『Chapter ❷❹.❶』

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I could smell their fear as they all watched me. The fear was so thick I could almost taste it. I watched them as they watched me. Each meta stood ready, as if I'd attack at any moment.

A growl that sounded like it should be in a demon resonated across the forest. It was only until I saw the metas backing away from me that I realized the sound was coming from me. I began to panic as I realized I wasn't fully in control any more.

"Stand aside, or die!" My body's face grinned evilly as I fought for control. "Your masters are expecting me."

The leader of this small group walked forward a little bit, and with a shaky voice he asked, "Oh, and who are you?"

"I am the harbinger of evil, I am death in reincarnate, I am fear itself!" I stopped fighting as I listened to this evil version of my voice speak.

"L... let me go s... see if they're are expecting you." He started backing away. "Y... you j... just stay there."

My body smiled evilly again. "Just hurry back, I can't promise you there won't be any casualties while your gone."


Johnson kept watch over all the other kids, and teens who where under Hunter's command. He was waiting for one of them to make a single move. As he watched them he pondered how Angel was doing with healing Esparonza.

A kid sneezed causing the rest to jump. Johnson stood unfazed by it though. If anyone where to look at him they'd think he was a statue. Only his shallow breathing show'd that he wasn't one.

A little girl who looked no older than twelve walked up, and touched a force field surrounding her team. She was about ten feet away from him. Where her hand was pushed against the force field was a tiny shimmering of light.

"I hope she's okay." The little girl whispered.


"Sir! There's a meta on the outskirts of our patrol!" The leader of the patrol was nearly out of breath when he reached the fire.

Moonblade looked at him. "Is it dead?"

"Uh... no," the leader was stammering, "no it's not."

"And why not." Moonblade had an icy edge to his voice.

"He says that your expecting him."

"I am not expecting anyone. Do you know who this bold, lying, meta?"

"That's just it." The leader puased to gather his corage, before he continued. "I've never seen, or heard this meta before in my life. He did how ever say his name was death."

"A very bold accusation. I think I may go teach this meta who death really is." Moonblade looked over to D-15. "Want to join?"

D-15 grinned, but held up his hands. "I'll let you have all the fun this go round."


I watched with growing dread as Moonblade walked forward to speak to what ever was controlling my body. Moonblade's movements were careful, yet decisive like a predator's. His men watched on silently as the distance between us closed.

"What is your name stranger, and why did you want to see me?" Waited for my body to answer. But none came. "Answer me you worthless piece of..."

My voice came out in a booming roar, "I'm am not some worthless dog that you command! I am death itself!"

"And I'm supposed to believe you why?" Moonblade taunted.

My body reached out against my will, and grabbed him by the neck. "Do you really need any proof that I speak truth."

"No, I see your te... telling the truth!"

"Very good." The grip around his neck loosened, and Moonblade fell to the ground gasping for air. "Now onto business, where is that girl who tried to kill Esparonza?"

"What girl? I know of no such..."

"You lie! I can smell it!"

This time it was my body, and me who attacked him together. The first punch connected with his face, while the second and third connected with his gut. The forth punch barely was dodged.

Moonblade stood up blood running from his nose, and mouth. "Ah, I didn't recognize you at first, Hunter. You are much different than the last time we saw each other."

"Hunter I may be, but I am also your end." My body and I waited for the words to sink in.

Moonblade looked amazed, yet scared. "You wouldn't kill another meta. It's not in your nature."

"It may be true that I have killed before, but what will be in store for you will make death look like mercy." I didn't even give him a chance to reply. "Now tell me where she is."


Esparonza could feel where the knife sliced through her. Her heart had been hit with a knife. How bad it was she didn't know, but what she did know was that it shouldn't have happened. Her bones weren't supposed to allow anything past them. Only her bones could get past her bones.

She couldn't wait to get her hands on that girl who stabbed her. She was getting ahead of herself though. For now she had to rest while her body, and Angel repaired what was broken.

She felt her body tremble, and her forehead was becoming moist with sweat. Her breathing was becoming labored as liquid filled her lungs. Her last thought before she passed out were, "I'm so going to kill her!"


Johnson felt as Esparonza began to take a turn for the worst. Her life force plunging to become so faint, that for a second, he thought she was dead. Thankfully he felt her life force stabilize.

He sighed in relief. "Hang in there," he muttered.

The little girl looked at him, again. "Would you let us free if I helped Esparonza?"

"Why would I do that. Your pal almost killed her." Johnson's tone was deathly icy.

"Because like we've been saying. I wouldn't hurt her." Her voice was soft, yet determined. "You need to trust me."

"Trust! Why would I trust any of you!" His glare sent shivers down the girls spine.

"Because you can kill me if I kill her."

"We might just kill..."

"Johnson she's fine." Angel voice sliced through his head. "She is telling the truth, and I need her help. If she doesn't... I don't want to think about it."

Gritting his teeth he said, "Fine you can help Esparonza. But if she dies your life is forfeited."

"I understand." The girl walked out as Johnson allowed her - and only her - to go through.


I watched as Moonblade writhed in pain as electricity shot through all his pain receiving nerves. His men had long since fell to my power. His screams had become soft whimpers.

"Now where is the girl." My voice was surprisingly calm.

Moonblade's voice was shaky as he replied, "She... she's hiding in the..."

"Where!" I increased the amount of power I was giving him.

"In the mansion," he started to spasm. "Of the creators!"

So how was that? What do you think will happen? Comments and votes are gladly appreciated!

Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also I just realized that this chapter's number is the same as the post date! XD

Update 1/4/15
So the updates will be going slow as I try to make longer chapters. What do you guys think longer or shorter?

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