『The Meta Code』(Prologue)

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I sit in a dull grey cell. All joy, and life drained out of me. I try to pull the collar around my neck off. As I try to forget what I had done.

It's no use of course. Try as I might I smile a bitter smile. All the memories of the past day's events.

All this crap started when a man dressed in all black walked into my team's bunk room. It was just me in the room at the time. The rest of my team was out training that day. I chose to stay... I needed some time to rest my thoughts, and not have to worry about myself or the team.

The man sat down right across from me. "Z-25."

"Who wants to know?" I thought for a second, "Also who sent you?"

"That's not important right now." He sighed, obviously frustrated. "Are you Z-25 or not? If you aren't then tell me where I can find him."

"He's not here right now. Nor do I know when or where he is." I grinned.

"Is that so? I'll just leave then." He stood knocking a metal slinky off my nightstand. Before it even reached the ground I had stopped it with my powers. A triumphant grin played across his thin face. "So you are him."

I shook my head, angry that I couldn't of hidden my powers better.. "Yes, now tell me who or why you want to know!"

"The creators did. As for the why well, all I'm allowed to tell you is this. You're the one to advance the metas' to their next evolutionary stage." He sat back down.

I was stunned, but more importantly I was scared. I had known this already. My powers had been growing faster than any Meta's should. I was vaguley aware that I had started running my right hand through my hair.

"How do you know that? I'm just some Zeta. Not an Alpha, who can very easily change the metas." I started to bring my powers out, just in... case.

The man put his hands up. "I don't mean you harm. The creators just sent me to give you a mission. It'll see if you truly are the next stage. There's no harm in obeying orders correct?"

He was obviously trying to bait me into asking. I wouldn't let him have that satisfaction though.

When I didn't say anything he just sighed again. "Aren't you going to ask what you have to do."

"No, please enlighten me."

"Kill your team." He looked directly into my eyes. "Do this, and it'll be your last mission, ever"

I gulped, "All of them?" tears began to build in my eyes.

"Yes the other twenty-five members of your team." He stood, and without another word he left.

That was the beginning of the end.



So this is the prologue / extended preview. Please let me know what you think and please vote. Also This is just for my followers I want to know what you think of this.

Update 11/9/14

So it's been about a month since I wrote this, and it's still not up. Well it will be soon I guess. Anyway the reason I updated this is cause' I just wanted to say I'm going to do editing on this after the wattys. Or even post an edited version of this once it's done. I don't know which I'll do though :P. Speaking of which, what do you guys think I should do? I'd love to know.

Update 2/5/14

I dedicated this chapter to my manager @xitscalledlife

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