『Chapter ❷❻』

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"We're losing him!" Z-1 shouted.

The machines monitoring Hunter's heart and breathing were going crazy as he growled loudly, and fought against the restraints. A cold sweat was slowly covering his - once again human looking - body. The pure steel-carbon-titanium table holding him had begun to grown as he fought harder. Causing the needles in some spots to come out.

"We need to sedate him more, or he'll get injured." The doctor had a fresh needle in his right hand with some bluish sedative.

Z-1 rubbed his right bicep as the doctor plunged the needle deeply into Hunter's right bicep. He thought he could feel Hunter's pain. Yet it passed quickly, and he had to remind himself it wasn't him with the needle in himself.

"Why is he resisting?" When the doctor didn't answer Z-1 continued. "I mean everyone, including myself, do this we can't fight, and yet he is. Why?"

The doctor looked at Z-1 like he was a total idiot. "It's because he's found something worth fighting for."


Andrew looked for any sign of emotion on Johnson and Angel's faces. Johnson's usually stoic face was now contorted into a fierce anger. His unusual show of emotion scared Andrew, but Angel's response was even scarier. She looked like she had known for a while, but knew more than she wanted to show.

"So..." Andrew drug that single word out for a full minute. Wishing they would say something, anything! "What do we do?"

Johnson looked like he was about to skin and gut someone, alive. "I want to know how you got this information."

"It doesn't matter how. She's a spy trust me!"

"How did you find out though?" Johnson eyed Andrew with a fierce suspicion. "Accusing someone of spying is a very serious actuation."

Angel looked at Johnson twirling a curl of hair. "He's right I can sense it."

"See?!" Andrew's hands flew up, like he was going to hug her. "Thank you."

"But Andrew is one too." Her face lit up with a wickedly evil smile. "In fact he's a spy for quite a few people. Isn't that right Andrew?"

Andrew opened his mouth then closed it, then opened it again. "That's... that's right."

Johnson entwined his fingers, and flexed making a very loud popping sound. "You've got three seconds..."

"Whoa! I'm not the bad one! My top priority is to protect this team, honest!"

"Right, and I'm a chicken."

Andrew decided that it'd be best if he left while he still could. He was going to deal with Juliet himself.


"Sir, there's a..." the guard outside of the door was saying.

"A what?" Z-1 tapped his foot. It was taking way longer than they hoped it'd take to transfer Hunter into a more controlled body. Hunter was fighting with everything he had. Yet Hunter was finally giving into the machine.

There was groan as the door gave to a force outside. Thousands of tiny metal splinters pelted Z-1, a few struck his bones. A giant hope was all that was left where the door used to be.

"Release Hunter or die." A familiar female voice commanded.

Z-1 didn't need to think who it was, because her voice was burned into his memory deeper than Hunter. "Ah, sis what brings you here?"

Esparonza stepped over the debris, covered from head to toe in shining metallic bone armor. As she walked across the room the florescent lights twinkled off her armor. Causing the room to look like a disco ball was spinning.

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