『Chapter ❷❺.❷』

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I winced as needles began to bite into my skin. My entire body shivered as I lay on a freezing metal table. I couldn't see anything but the roof due to a metal headband, with thousands of needles in it, clamp down on my forehead. My chest, wrists, and ankles were similarly clamped down to the table.

As I tried to calm my quick, erratic, breaths I felt what had to be needles going into my spine. I guessed from the mind numbing pain that was what the restrains were for; if they hadn't been there I, most likely, would've pulled the stupid thing out of my back.

"Okay, this'll hurt." Z-1 rubbed the back of his head. "A lot."

I clenched my fist, and jaw. "What, and this didn't?"

"Watch it I'm still your superior, and I won't be talk to like that." I couldn't see his face due to me being restrained, but it sounded like he wished I was dead.

I felt a helmet slide onto my head, and something beeped. A few seconds later thousands of tiny needles pierced my head. I couldn't tell if I screamed or not.

I felt someone prick my chest with some needles; a few seconds later I began to feel a tingling, starting at my toes and ever so slowly creeping their way up to my fingers. My eyelids started to droop. It was then I realized I was being drugged to sleep. I fought it with every ounce of my soul.

"Hunter! Stop it you could hurt yourself!" Someone, I think Z-1, was yelling at me.

"Th... then don't... drug me!" My anger was fueling me to stay awake.

Something in my mind started to awaken. It was slow like frozen molasses at first, but it started to go faster, and faster. I was starting to get a huge headache as images flashed across the forefront of my mind. A beautiful girl with razor claws, a boy with what looked like bio-circuitry tattoos on his arms, a girl with raven black wings, a girl and her sister, another boy with a silver cross around his neck, a girl with a lot of tech, and then myself; only not myself.

I looked at myself, and saw a deep sadness in my eyes. Though that wasn't what caught my attention, it was the iron will of a person who didn't take orders from anyone without a final goal. This extreme determination, and loyalty that I wished I had.

The picture changed to what I was now. I actually thought I might die by looking at myself. I was void of any color with only a little light where my eyes where. Those evil, predator like, eyes. You could see the wild craziness behind those eyes, the want to kill, destroy, and unleash the my fury upon the world.

The picture of me changed yet again. This one amazed me, and yet blew me away. I was slightly taller, power dancing around me. My brown eyes and hair were now silver with power. In my heart I knew that this is what I would become; to become something more powerful than any others. Yet I'd still act like a mouse being chased by a playful cat.


Esparonza left the girls body in a dry creek-bed before she took of towards Hunter's location. She didn't feel any remorse over torturously killing the girl. She didn't really mean to, but the girl was more fragile than Esparonza had assumed.

She figured it was worth the blood to keep Hunter out of the creators hands. If they had full control over Hunter, then they would truly be unstoppable. She had seen what destruction would come if he was unleashed by them.

"Hey you! This is a restricted area," a girl with blonde hair was saying. "Leave now or be terminated."

Esparonza could read her body due to the crazy amount of gear, and weapons. It was at least a hundred pounds of gear. "Isn't this the arena?"

The girl pushed her glasses down to eye Esparonza. "This is, but due to the Creators orders you're no standing in restricted land. So I ask you again to leave."

"There is no restricted..." Before Esparonza could finish a bullet whizzed by her ear.

A few seconds later she felt a .30 cal. round go into her. Then three more as silent as the night was. Esparonza just laughed as the rounds fell out of her, and her wounds healed. Within seconds, she let her bone armor fly out of her. Spraying her own crimson blood everywhere.

As her skin healed underneath the armor, it continued to bind together. Where ever there were joints the armor overlapped, or was like skin, allowing for complete movement. The armor around her head was the scariest. Covering her entire head except for her mouth and eyes. Though her eyes did have bars of armor running up and down the openings. Making it seem like she was looking out through a cage.

Her claws slid out of her knuckles, and glinting in the moonlight. Her armor and blades seemingly glowed from the pale white light emanating from the moon. Making her look like death's angel.

"Who are you?" The girl meta asked. Clearly terrified.

Esparonza glared at the meta. "I'm hope."

Esparonza pounced with the grace of a cat. Her movements enhanced by her powers turning alpha. She cut the girls head off in one swing of her arm. She was already moving, with her bone armor helmet receding, to Hunter.


"Sir, subject Z-25 is resisting the brain transfer." A lab assistant wearing a white lab coat with the name Mary on it.

The head creator looked at her. "Increase power, and order him to end this futile attempt at resistants."


Andrew motioned for Johnson, and Angel, to come talk to him. He made sure no one especially Juliet was around to hear him. He needed to let them know.

"I need to inform you of a traitor amongst our midst.



So what'd you think? I'm sorry about how short it was again. Right now I'm to tired to ask any questions so just feel free to vote, and comment.

Have a good day!

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