『Chapter ❸』

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In the morning we went to the kitchen in the center of the building. It was fully stocked. With everything from cereal to bacon, eggs, and biscuit flower. It had a giant eight burner stove, an indoor BBQ sized grill, two huge deep freezers, and two industrial sized fridges. We were just finishing up a huge breakfast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes in the kitchen. When the cat like boy showed up.

"You two ready for the tour?" he asked.

"Just give us a few more minuets to clean up." I replied.


While we finished cleaning up. The boy just sat down, closed his eyes, and began to snore softly.

"We're done." I said startling the boy out of sleep.

"I presume you have seen all of the first floor?" he asked.


"Right, this way please." We followed him to an elevator. He stopped before entering the elevator, and said. "Ok the tour starts here and ends at the training grounds. Oh, and before you ask any questions. I will not answer any until the tour is over."

We nodded then walked onto the elevator. The first and second floors where almost the same. The only difference was that the first had a gym, Olympic sized pool, the mess hall, and only Esparonza's and my rooms.

The third floor had a good half of the top level dedicated to books. It was a huge library full. Then there was a small section with 2 state of the art super computers.

Right next to that was a gear room. It was filled with full body suits, backpacks, survival gear, MREs, weapons of every size and sort, night vision goggles, and two-way radios. Lastly there was a boys bathroom, and a girls.

The roof had a full sized basketball court. Next to it was two helipads with a double-bladed helicopter, and a small black ops four person osprey looking plane / helicopter. I was overwhelmed.

When I told cat-boy this he said. "People are always overwhelmed or underwhelmed" He shook his mane like hair.

"Never just whelmed." With that we headed off to the training grounds.

When we got there I counted nearly twenty others already there.

"Why are there so many others here?" I asked.

"Because they want to join your team, or other teams." He replied. "Besides this is just a few the rest have yet to arrive. I believe you'll have at least a hundred to pick from by the end of this week."

"Well, then where do I look at the ones who haven't arrived yet?"

"At those super computers you have back at you building of course."

"Oh, thanks." I said while my cheeks turned red for being so stupid. Then I looked at the others and said, "Well don't just stand around. Show me your worthy of my team!"

An hour later five more kids showed up. Making the count twenty-five. The last to join while we where there. The twenty-eighth caught my eye with a 6' 6" height, and build that even most men only dreamed of. His skin had tech like markings up and down his arms. He was an impressive mutant. Even before he walked up, and spoke to me I wanted him on our team.

"I know that you probably have no time to waste" he was saying when I interrupted him.

"Show me how you fight you and me."

His eyes went wide. "Right now? I don't want to waste your time."

"Yes right now. If you don't want waste my time then don't. Prove to me your worth it."

He stared at me for a few seconds then walked down to the field.
Once there everyone stopped what they were doing to look at us.

I got into a street fighting stance, Johnson did the same.

"Don't waste your chance." I said with a growing smirk.

"I won't" he replied.

With that I ran at him and nearly tackled him. Before he hit the ground he twisted around and used the momentum to slam me down. I quickly got back up, and waited for him to attack. When he did I was ready. I took him down with a round house kick to the legs. I came at him, but was stopped.

I saw him smile then jump twenty feet in the air. Doing a perfect forward flip and landing on my chest. I was ready though and did a single handed back flip. I drew my blades and slashed at him. Only to be stopped by some invisible force, again. He stood with one arm stretched out like he had a shield on it. Which I guess it kinda did.

The fight continued like a dangerous dance for a while. Until finally I had enough and drew all the electricity within a hundred feet around me. With all my might I shot a giant pure white lightning bolt at his shield. Which he countered with more power to his shield at the same moment that the bolt hit. Causing a shock wave that made a crater. In the center was us standing like fools.

We looked around then at each other.
"I suppose where done here." I said flatly. Hiding all my awe and excitement. Finally here was someone other than a bladed who could take me on.

"Sorry for wasting you time," he replied sadly, and started to turn.

"Did I say you wasted my time? No I didn't. I want you to come with me, and have us a little talk" With that I looked at everyone else and said, "Get back to work. I won't pick any of you if I don't see some talent!" and with that I walked away. With Esparonza and Johnson in tow.


"So why did you come?" I was asking Johnson.

"I came to try to keep my sister safe. She's the only one left." He replied.

"How would she be safe?" Esparonza interjected. Johnson was quiet for a time looking down. He finally replied in a quiet voice.

"I made a deal with the creators. That if I helped the winning team win. Then she would go with us."

"I see...."

Just then the cat like boy, who I learn was called chase, came in.

"First round of the games will start tomorrow," He said.

"What type is it?" I asked.

"It's a best two out of three, and its two vs. two."

"Okay thanks."

Satisfied he turned and left. I turned to look at Johnson, who met my gaze with a pleading stare.

"It's your lucky day! You. Are. In."

A wave of relief flooded over his face.
"Thank you I'll do my best to help you win." He said firmly, I had no doubt that he would.

"First, not me, but us." I said while pointing at each of us, "Second, good for you and me are going to round one tomorrow. Any questions?"

"Just one, where's my room?"

I Chuckled, shook my head.
"Down that hall second door down from the last. If you need me I'm the last door down there, and the second floor you need permission to go to."

"Okay see you in the morning"


So what do you think so far? How did you like the minuscule amount of action? I'm starting to think this book does not want action in it. Though I will try my hardest to get more action in the next chapter!

As always comments and votes are greatly appreciated!

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