『Chapter ❷❹.❷』

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"You expect me to just believe that the creators would hide her?" I kept applying power onto Moonblade. "That's hardly believable! No one can exit this dome during the game."

"You... really are... dense aren't you," Moonblade gasped between cries of agony.

I stopped sending energy through him, and instead picked him up by the neck. "You better be telling the truth."

"You'll know if I'm not."

I released my grip on his neck. He fell to his knees, and I knocked him out cold. I walked away looking for a way to get back to check up on Esparonza.


"Sir, did you see that? He nearly killed that boy." One of my co-partners asked.

"Yes he did, but he hasn't killed the boy." I frowned deeply. "We need to push him more. His programing obviously doesn't have full control yet."

A gasp came from a few of the others. Obviously some did not agree with pushing Z-25 to the limit. We all knew that it'd help him become an Alpha, but I wanted his programing to take control so we had control over him. Over the perfect soldier.

"Sir, do you really think you can break his will," A assistant inquired.

"Absolutely, we all have a breaking point. It's only a matter of pushing the right buttons."

The assistant looked at me. "Sir what if he doesn't break. What then?"

"Then God help us. Either way I want that assassin to go take out another member." He paused then added, "Make it a strike team."

"Yes sir."


Angel watched as Esparonza's body tried to refuse her healing. Seeing it as an attack, and not as what it really was. Which was to fix the wound.

"Your stubborn I'll give you that Esparonza," Angel said, as she pushed her hand onto the wound.

Esparonza's body kept fighting her, but as the little girl who was talking to Johnson began to help increase both Angel and Esparonza's healing powers a miraculous thing happened. Esparonza's body began to accept the healing.

It was a very slow and painful process. But soon Esparonza had been fully healed. What was wired was that she wasn't waking up. Not even a little, and angel couldn't tell why. She even scanned Esparonza's wound, yet nothing foreign showed up.

"How is she?" A deep evil sounding voice asked.

Angel screamed from the terror the voice made in her. She tried to peer in it's mind, but it was to dark, to twisted, to bare looking at. It was as if she was looking into a fun house mirror minus the fun.

As she slowly turned around all she could see was two bright eyes. "Who are you? Why do you care about her?"

The thing seemed taken aback at her question. "You really don't know who I am?"

"Unless evil is your name then, nope." Angels voice was icy, "And if you think we're easy pray think again."

"I... I'm Hunter, Angel I'm Hunter."

"Ya, right and I'm a true Angel. You're not fooling anyone. Hunter doesn't look evil, or sound evil."

"I'm telling you it's me Angel. I'm just... going through some changes that's all. How can you not tell it's me!" Hunter was starting to lose control again. "I thought you could read minds!"

"I can, and yours is more messed up inside than anyone else's I've ever seen." Her words were like acidic venom upon his soul.

Johnson walked up to the little group. "Angel you okay?"

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