Chapter 47

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I went with Paterson in a carriage to Whiteley's house and I saw Sherlock watching us go while pouting making me laugh "You seem very close to Sherlock" Paterson coughed.

"He's the one who gets close to me but I don't reject" I explained and he blushed "I should inform William about the possible invitation he might have one day."

I laughed when Paterson had to cover his face.

We arrived and were greeted by a maid who led us inside "So he chose the two detectives himself?" I asked Paterson as we waited outside a room that the maid went into to go fetch Whiteley for us.

"Yes, they are also here acting as bodyguards for him" Paterson nodded.

The maid then came out with Whiteley, he grinned seeing us "Glad to see you are doing well" Whiteley told me as he bowed his head.

"You look troubled" I commented since he was frowning as he came out.

I looked into the room behind him to see a little boy in a wheelchair "Cake lady!" He yelled.

"Oh, Sam!" I recognised him and the everyone was surprised.

"Thank you again for the cake before!" He thanked me and moved over towards us.

"May I ask how you know my brother?" Whiteley asked me.

"When I had the opening of one of my shops that sell cakes I saw Sam outside looking in and took one out to him since we didn't have a ramp" I explained and I went over and ruffled his hair.

"Yeah, it was amazing!" Sam exclaimed.

"I had a ramp put in so you can inside anytime now, would you like me to bring some cake with me next time?" I bent down a little and asked him, he nodded excitedly.

"Well, if you will excuse us for now, we need to have a talk in private" Whiteley informed him.

"Are you finally getting married?" Sam asked making me laugh and Whiteley blush.

I waved to Sam as we walked to Whiteley's office "I'm sorry about what he said" Whiteley apologised as we all sat down.

"Its fine, there's nothing wrong with what he said" I reassured him "But it sounds like your brother is concerned that you're not thinking about your own happiness."

"He is, but seeing him smile is my happiness" He admitted.

"Now to start what we came here to talk about" Paterson handed him a copy of the document he gave me earlier.

I opened my own one "Just a few hours ago, a police officer called Bart Fowler was found murdered in one of the city's slums, Officer Fowler was a guard in the Yard's main offices detention block and he was also on duty the night that your bomber was killed in his cell" Paterson explained.

"What was he threatened with?" I asked.

"According to our investigation, Officer Fowler has a gravely ill mother and required a great deal of money for her care, but then, the day before last, he settled with the hospital in one lump sum," Paterson told us.

"So they got to him by exploiting the vulnerability of his mother, Fowler silenced the bomber who had been hired for the money and then was silenced himself" Whiteley hummed.

"The way Officer Fowler was extorted and killed is unlike previous cases, this was clearly the work of a professional criminal" Paterson speculated.

"Goddamn house of bloody idiots" I sighed shocking Whiteley and he looked to Paterson "Don't worry he's on my side, he's heard me say worse and seen worse especially when Alb-"

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