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The darkness crawled and surrounded the forest with grave silence by midnight and the moon has fled away. The wind chain chimed to the breeze and the night was more uncomfortable than the other days.

The eight-year-old boy felt suffocated, too cold yet sweating as he swallowed the lump in his dry throat. A sudden howl of a wolf broke the stillness, his heart churning in mad fear and his hands hurriedly searched for his toy before sprinting towards the master bedroom.

Oh how much he regretted it.
As soon as he entered, he wished he had never done so. 

The wolf form of a human plucked the woman's heart out of her ribs, blood dripping off through the fingers and her screams echoed growing higher and higher but dropped as soon as she panted blood and slumped back onto the bed...


The monster's eyes flickered onto the boy, who instantly ran back to his room at a rapid acceleration which he inherited from his vampire blood. The door closed behind him and his little fingers wrapped around the lock, heart racing in his chest as pants left through his lips.  

A loud bang landed on the door and he backed away, stumbling back on the ground.
With just two more forceful hits, the door crashed into pieces and the werewolf stepped in, growling, claws lunging out of his fingers and its bloodshot eyes glared fiercely. 

"So, you are the little were pire? Too skinny." Between its sharp teeth, sentences slipped and little Jisung, squeezed his bear, trying to back off but the cold wall hit his back.

He was shaking, tears escaping his eyes and what a grief the child was facing.

 "Your grandpa wants you dead." A sweet laugh escaped the wolf and Jisung saw the claws lift as he shut his eyes closed, waiting for it to pierce through his heart, painfully.

One second passed
second and a third but he never felt it come.

A scatter of glass broke the silence. The werewolf growled underneath the vampire who's fangs glistened. Even under the heavy darkness, Jisung could see his pale face, sweat drooping from the sides of his face.

"Dada!" He cried out heartily and was relieved that he is safe, for now.

But when was safety guaranteed for mixed blood?

The wolfman tossed his father over and he collapsed on the wall yet within a split of a second, he was back on his feet attacking.

"You all must die!" Like fire, the wolf spat, defending himself.

"Why? Why can't you just let us live?" 

"Because a vampire and werewolf could never be together."

The truth could never be denied.

Jisung's mother was the daughter of Seoul's werewolf pack leader and his father was a pure-blooded vampire.

The two fell in love, madly, that they didn't watch the consequences but the werewolves never accepted them.


Who knows?

People said love isn't wrong. So, why did they turn against these two? 

After all, they weren't people...

Once again the werewolf lifted the vampire and pushed him against the floor, the first punching harshly across the face.

Jisung wanted to help but he knew he was too weak, about to pass out.

But little did he know that a spark of hatred and hunting instincts were lighting up within him.

Once, the vampire was too weak to fight back, the monstrous figure jumped towards Jisung causing instant fear, powerful waves passing through his small body.

He felt his eyes burn as if it was on fire, a whimper jumped from his throat and the werewolf's paw touched his neck to lift him but the next moment he fell back, crying out loud in extreme pain.

It burnt, head to toe, leaving only ashes.

The child was dazed as he leaned against the wall with a stinging pain in his stomach.

His father limped and took him into his arms.

"Appa," tears oozed out of his eyes. "Mama's heart was - was ripped out! She-she" through the unbearable discomfort he stuttered, choking over his cries. 

"Jisung-ah," his father held his hand. "Do as I say. Take slow breaths. Calm yourself down."

It wasn't a full moon day, which only made it hard for him but the present couldn't be skipped. Now he had to face his changes of being a cross-bread of a werewolf and vampire.

"The mark is appearing. Just a little more alright?" 

Jisung shut his eyes, squeezing them and behind the lids played, horrible scenes, haunting him down.

Bloody sheets, hands and faces. Clawed fingers and furry limbs.

That was when he realised what hatred and revenge were. He had now faced something that an eight-year-old could never bear and a little part of his mind knew that he will forever be traumatised. While taking a deep breath up and down slightly he could hear the howling wolves again and again. His heart clenched dragging him to a wary slumber.

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