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Fluttering his eyes open, Minho groaned shaking his head to ease the pain in the back of his head and gulped down his awfully sore throat. He could feel the cold iron around his wrists that were hung above his head and that was the time he came to realisation, making him pull his arms on the restrains which only tightened. Minho stared around the room with a dull light and chains with cuffs were hung on walls. 

"Oh you are awake pretty boy." Minho heard a raspy voice coming infront and the second he turned his head to see he was captured by the jaws tightly. A pair of lips were on top of his giving him an internal shock and then his bottom lip was tucked and sucked . Disgusted, he jerked his head away to get rid of the man's grip which he did. 

"Don't touch me." He snapped at the taller boy with electric blue hair and tanned skin. 

"Watch your mouth, vampire." The other replied as his hand once again came to contact with Minho's neck and his face went along the jaw to his ear. "You were such a strong person Lee Minho." The blue haired one whispered. " You even killed one of my men and almost killed another one who barely survived thanks to the paralyzer. But look at you now. Where did that strong man go? I can only see a helpless little bottom." 

He moved his hand down, sliding the tips of his finger against the bare skin, painfully slow, reminding that Minho was somehow shirtless. Curling his finger on the sides of his torso the wolf again faced the shorter boy. "I should record this and send this to Han. I am excited to see his reaction after that."

"Fuck off, who ever you are?"

"First of all I will go after fucking you and second my name is Jung Sook. " 

"I don't mind. Just get your fucking hand off me!" 

"You are way too good looking for me to stay away. Plus I have nothing to do right now." Smirking, he replied to Minho who again pulled his arms in need to brake free. He felt weaker than usual and he understood that the paralyzer was still working on him. As much as he tried to be strong he couldn't. As much as he tried to use his strength he only got hurt. Now he was pleading for him to come. For Jisung to come and unlock him and to wipe off the entire existence of werewolves. 

Again, Jung Sook was tracing the out lines of his muscles on the stomach looking at it hungrily.  All Minho could think of was to grab the chains that were holding him and lift himself up before flinging his leg and hitting the wolf right on the chest, making him groan as he took a few steps back to balance his body. 

"You brat!" 

Next moment Minho found a fist punching the day light out of  his already sore body. His hands were uselessly above him until Sook stopped to wipe his sweat on the forehead with the back of his hand. 

"I was trying to go easy on you but guess you just need to be put on to your place." He clapped his hands once and another man came in and placed a small camera infront of them and settled it on a stand and left. "Brace yourself for this, you bottom ass. " 

Minho didn't want this. After meeting Jisung, he deeply though for hours in the shower to not let anyone touch his body but now he felt terrible feeling how harshly he was gripped in to a kiss. Again he was looking himself, sinfully and disgustingly. What he didn't understood was, why he was always strong at the time where it wasn't needed that much. 

But now he was so lost in thought of needing Jisung.  Jung Sook was pushing his hips against Minho's and he himself let out a small grunt.

"Jung Sook stop." Minho said as strong as he could just to get a hard smack against his ass. 

"Keep you filthy mouth shut."


Han was impatiently sitting on the window sill thinking about Minho. He hated the fact that he couldnt go bring him back now. If he do it would become an unsteady step and everything would fall apart. Hiding his face in his knees, he sighed frustratedly. He regret not ending this earlier and he regret letting Minho out alone. And his thoughts were interrupted with his phone buzzing. 

Lazily he took it and opened the unknown number and found a video. Unsurely he pressed it play. His lips parted with a shiver and his hands trembled. All he was seeing was Minho underneath a stranger tied on to a bed and letting out screams of pain. He was probably not enjoying it, Han could say just by how the boy was squirming violently. A tear left when he heard Minho once called out his name. 

Throwing his phone somewhere in the room Jisung bent over holding his knees and heavily breathing. Quickly making a decision he went in to the small room and pulled a drawer before grabbing his mother's dagger and carefully stuffed it in his combat boots. Then two guns were shoved in his belt and he put on a jacket along with a black mask. Scribbling about his leave on a paper he pinned it on to the front of his door. 

"Just hold on a bit baby." 

Jisung whispered closing his eyes and jumped down the window and landed perfectly and unharmed. He knew it was dangerous. More like a suicide mission but her to g Minho out of there was the only thing he could think of. 

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