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There was a comfortable silence and Jisung pulled the ball of warmth towards him, placing his chin on top of it. A relieved sigh excited as he slowly opened his eyes just to see a figure hugging him, peacefully asleep. Han was going crazy but he gotta play it cool . Perhaps, he wanted to stare at him , his closed almoned shape eyes, perfect nose, slightky opened plumpy lips. He wanted to stare at his every single feature. He wanted to stare at Lee Minho. 

"Enjoying the view?" Jisung didnt expext his voice to be rhaspier than his isual voice and he was glad that he didn't flinch. 'Go for it.' His head said.

"Obviously. "

"How straight forward?" Minho grinned opening his cofee brown eyes. "You aren't shy?" 

I am very shy! Jisung's heart exclaimed but something else came out of his mouth. "What for? Cuddles? Oh my. I would die for cuddles." 

He sat up pushing the duvet away and yawned and Minho streched like a cat. 

"No college today!" Han was happy. "Do you have plans?"

"I am your bodyguard. Your plans are my plans."

"Great! Lets workout toady." 


"Yeah, bodyguards need to be fit, you see." Jisung teased. "Plus, we have a gym upstairs." 

"Are you saying that I am not strong enough?" 

"Well, no offence but you look skinny." 

"Come over here you little brat." Jisung giggled while running around the room while Minho was chasing him. "Stop right there." 

But they couldn't continue when someone knocked the door. "Jisung-ah, " Chan said. "I need to talk to you about something. "

                                                                 *   *   *   *

The sight was beautifull. The sun was disappearing at the horizon, far in the edge of the ocean. Yet, it still colored the sky in link, red, yellow and orange and they reflected on the surface of the water. Waves hit the sand, calm and soothing and there on the beach lay the boy, drawing random shapes on the sand, waiting for his boyfriend.  He was wearing a witch necklace to protect himself from the sunlight and on his finger was a ring nice and beautiful, that was matching to his boyfriend's. His fox eyes bore boredom and impatience and his gaze turned to his phone screen as it lit got a notification with a 'ting' sound.

Carelessly, grapping it, he opened the chat that a video was swnt. Why would an unkown person send him a video? Curiosly, he tapped on it to play just to watch his boyfriend making out with a girl in a club. He seemed drunk but Jeongin was hurt as his eyes filled up with tears. 

"Why did you do this to me Binnie?"

Jeongin didn't sleep at all. He tried but always ended up crying. Jisung who came ober to his house he was little calm. Seeing the younger at this state Han was furious and he almost went to beat up Changbin. 

The bell rang and the boy didn't mobe an inch. He was too immersed in his thoughts. Jisung must've opened the foor. 

"Leave!" He heared Han say. Jeongin didn't care as he heared the familiarvlice. Quickly running towards the door his eyes with Changbin.

"Innie..." Jisung said.  "I will hand-" 

"Hyung, I will talk with him." Weakly, he commented. 

"You don'thave to."

"It is ok. I'llcall you if I want you. "

The taller just gave up and left the two alone. Jeongin closed the door behimd and walked toward the garden passingthe other vampire. 

"Jeongin-ah," Changbin starred seeing that the other one is silent. "Aboht the date yesterday I'm so sorry.  I really am. Trust me."

"Forget it."

"I know you waited for me so long. And Iknow that is my fault. And the gideo you got." He paused. 

"It is ok if you cant explain." Looking down, licking his lip Jeongin whispered.  "Let's just have a break."

Changbin widened his eyes. He imagined this would happed but he never thought that it would really happen. He reached for the younger's hand.

"Baby, I was drunk. It wasn't intentional.  If you look close you will see that I never kissed the girl. It was trap. Even the invitation to the club party i told you about. My ex was the one that drugged my drinks. Baby, please trust me."

"Changbin, how can I trust you?" Jeongin never used his full name and he could notice the heartbroken expression in the older's face. " i waited for you! Yesterday was our one year anniversary! We were supposed to spend time together  and you freaking went to a party! Does that make sense? It doesn't for me! What is wrong in me? Am I not enough? Am I too childish for your standa-"

"No baby! You are more than enough. I swear! Jeongin-ah,  just one last chance. Please baby."

"Stop babying me. I'm so done with this shit. I loved you so much that I can't even belive what I saw. You fucking said you loved me!" Tears rolled down his swollen face. 

"I do. I really do!" They were about to cry. The atmosphere was all heated up and uncomfortable.  Jeongin cried his heart being squeezed and hus head was heavy. 

"I dont want this anymore. I regret being happy about you, my first love, first kiss and boyfriend.  I am angry at myself. Just leave. I'm over this. Let's never meet each other. Maybe jt wasn'tyour intention but Iam hurt." 

With that he left, leaving Changbin guilty and heartbroken.  Han Jisung was sitting on the couch patiently waiting.


"Yes Innie?" Jisung hugged the weak boy. He has never been in love but he kneww how sad the kid was.

"Can I move into your house?"

"Ofcourse, I  would galdly welcome you. Come I'll help you pack."

Jeongin sighed, as he put down his phone after rewatching the video that ended up giving him a whole damn flashback. 'If you look close you will see that i never kissed the girl.' His voice rang in his head and he was right. He never kissed the girl. He stared at the ceiling which was painted by him and Han with glowing in the darkness paint.

"Are you doing well Seo Chamgbin?" He murmured turning to his side curling upto a ball. "I hate myself for not understanding you and for not watching the video correctly. I hate myself for letting you go carelessly amd still keep wanting you. I'm sorry. I was just hurt. I wonder where you are?" He touched the ring that hung around his neck in a silver chain.

 I wonder where you are?" He touched the ring that hung around his neck in a silver chain

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(The ring Chanin shares... in my opinion)

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