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Han froze on his spot hearing the familiar voice call out his name. Was it good or was it bad? God knew what...

He stared at Hyunjin with a few boys and a young lady that looked like the daylight was fucked out of her. His fingers tightly wrapped around the dagger but patiently waited remembering Seungmin saying that Hyunjin had a plan going on in his head. 

"For fuck's sake Han!" Hyunjin came towards him. "You shouldnt be here."

"I am supposed to be where my boy friend is... I came here to save him." Han spat back at him. "And are you cheating or something? Why does she looks like she was ripped apart?"

"Well she like it..." one of the boys said. 

"Hell no..." Disagreed the werewolf infront. "I'm fully loyal to my boyfriend... and we are just blackmailing her. Nothing much."

"How could-" just when the girl was about to complain the hoy from earlier rolled his eyes and clasped his palm against her red painted lips and shut her down. 

"Han listen... Mr. Kim is planning to kill all of you. The day after tomorrow. Do anything before that." 

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he checked the caller, immediately answering. "Baby..."

'Hell it is Seungmin...' Jisung cursed in his head. 'Did they find out?'

Hyunjin snapped his head to look at the vampire with a brow raised. 'You didn't tell them?' He mouthed and Han just shook. 

"He is right here with me." He replied. "Alive."

He handed the phone.



"Do you want me to sit my ass down and watch my boyfriend gets fucked by a random jerk... will you do that if it was Hyunjin in Minho's place and you in mine?" He wanted to shout but he knew he couldn't. He wasn't that dumb. 

The other end of the phone fell silent and Jisung looked around the room just to see the boys staring back with horrified eyes. 

"Han..." Seungmin whispered. "What happened?"

"I got a video of Minho getting fucked. He was drugged, I guess. If not he would have fought back. But he was helpless. He called out to me. Do you still expect me to wait...?" 

"Jisung I'm sorry but why didn't you tell us?" He replied softly making Jisung ask himself why he didn't tell. Maybe he didn't want them to be in danger. Maybe he forgot. Maybe he thought they wouldn't let him come. "That doesn't matter. We are already coming. We have atleast seventy five of the guards. I know it isn't enough so tell us what to do."

"Jin..." Han looked at Hyunjin who nodded. "Are you people ready to fight at this moment?" 

"We are." He whispered reminding everyone that they shouldn't make a sound and signed one of the rest to lock the door.

"How many?" 

"Atleast hundread and fifty. But it will not be easy to fight this pack. They have enough back up."

"You." Jisung called to the woman. "Come here."

"Uh... yeah." She sounded nervous and scared but that was the least Jisung cared.

"Tell me what that old man is up to?" 

"He is upto this bitch!" The glass window shattered making everyone move back to get away from the glass shards. It was the girl. The same annoying smile was still on her face.

"What a bad way of ruining the moment Minji." Jisung licked his lips glaring at her who broke out to a laugh. A psychopathetic laugh. "Why was I way too stupid to realise that you were in this as well? You set me in a trap?" 

"The guards are outside Han Jisung waiting for you. Even under this window. You were such a sneaky brat that it was hard to find you in the camera but thanks to my hawk eyes j found you going down the corridor. " 

Han felt pathetic and useless though he just maintained his straight face. He shoved his dagger in to the belt and grabbed his gun instantly shooting on her thigh making her fall down holding on for her dear leg and a shout left her mouth. "Attack!".

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