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"What do you want?" 

The silence spreaded across the room, making Changbin even more curious and uncomfortable. He exactly knew what the Kim wanted and he knew what would happen if he agree but he wanted to make sure if it was right or not. Jeongin would never forgive him and would never get back together. Plus, the shorter boy wasn't the type who would dare to harm a friend, even though he hates him. 

"Kill Han Jisung."

It sound as heavy as possible and Changbin clearly felt his heart tighten as if a venom was swallowing him alive. He glared at the older man, wanting to burn him down that instant but eyes couldn't kill. 

"Why should I do it?"

"Because he trust you." Very easily it slipped out yet it was the hardest thing ever. Trust, was hard to build and easy to brake. Changbin couldn't make up his mind. 

"He don't trust me. He hates me. After everything, he hates me so much. Why don't you send someone else?"

The werewolf chuckled shaking his head. "Where is the fun in it young man?" 

"What fun do you get in killing people?!" Changbin banged his fists on the table, a tear threatening to fall. "Why? Why are you doing this?!" 

And a very psycopathatic laugh broke out, startling the other. Kim, grabbed his stomach laughing harder and gasping for air. 

"The fun? Seeing others suffer... isn't it fun?" He asked the boy. "Look at you being all fragile just because you love a stupid vampire."

"Jeongin is not stupid." Changbin snapped. 

"Oh yeah sure." The wolf leaned forward. "But Changbin if you don't do this you will die to along with your boyfriend."

"I don't mind dying but don't you dare lay a hand on Jeongin." 


Seungmin sighed at the respond he got from the other side of the phone. "I love you too. Becarefull, Hyunjin."

After the call ended he turned to look at Han who was a total wreck. His hair was messy and his eyes were tiredly open. Seungmin felt his heart drop seeing his friend sad and shattered. 

"Han, Hyunjin is planing to spy on the pack, pretending to support them."

He just nodded back. 

"What are you planing to do?" Felix asked softly, not knowing how to react. He was tensed and Seungmin fussed he was scared too probably. Chan side hugged the smaller, letting him rest his head on the shoulder. 

"Don't worry Lix." Jisung gave a weak smile, covering up the pain and the broken heart. "How about you go and watch a movie with Jeongin, hmm?" 

Felix managed to whisper an 'Okay' before standing up with Jeongin and going in to his room, two guards following the behind. 

"What are you really planing to do?"

"We are going to-"

His phone rang. 


"Oh hi!" A high pitched voice screamed, almost tearing his ear. Jisung motioned others to be quiet and put it on speaker. 

"You are Minji, right?"

"You remember me. Wow..."

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Why wouldn't i when you slapped me like a bitch?"

"Hahaha, very funny. By the way I called you tell you that your filthy boyfriend is with us."

"Where are you?" He tried to sound as calm as possible when he was truely freaking out. 

"I will send you the location and Just come alone..without any weapon. Well this is a bargain. You die and Minho will live. And he will be mine."

"A moment ago you called him filthy." 

Jisung stated. 

"Oh yeah. He is. I think you already know the truth. Aren't you disgusted? I am." 

Wanting to snap the girls neck, Han gritted his teeth looking away with a sigh, trying to tame his beast inside. 

"Then why so obsessed with him?"

"Oh my, Minho, who wouldn't love him? The most perfect man. Extremely handsome, extremely kind, extremely protective. On top of that, extremely submissive. Whatever, just come tomorrow. Until then I'll just have some fun with my soon to be man."

The call ended with a beep, leaving the boys speechless. 

"What is Kim trying to pull?" Han mumbled. "Aish!"

He grabbed the flower vase that had beautiful violets and threw it across the room. The glass shattered, flowers fell on to the white tiled floor, petals escaping the stem and flowing apart and water splattered over the ground. 


"Calm down, Jisung. We can't do anything in a rush." Chan advised, giving a concerned look. 

"I'm going tomorrow."

"Do you think they will let Minho live?" Seungmin asked, trying to point out the facts. 

"No. That's why I need your help. To get Minho out of there. I will kill the werewolves, no matter what."

"Yes you are and you are going to come back, no matter what." The older said.

"You know I can't promise you that." 


"Lets just focus on saving my boyfriend,  hyung." 

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