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Jisung stood up to get a glass of water after speaking for too long. A small smile appeared as he saw Jeongin and Felix chatting on the couch since they weren't needed in making the plan. But something caught up his senses taking him off guard. The scent, it was Minho. He was absolutely sure of it and it was even worse since it was mixed with blood. Han darutimg out of the kitchen he unknowingly called out to Chan. 

"Chan hyung!" 

He knew the others were following him and he didn't waste a second to get out from the back door, just to see nothing but the messed grass stained with blood. The phone, Han recognised it as the older's. His heart sank down with a pound in his head. With an exhale he almost crashed on to Chan, who held him strongly. The guards were already  looking for the tracks. 

Seungmin went through the phone but it was no use since it was crashed and destroyed. He sighed shaking his head at the boy who was hopefully looking. 

"Damn it!" Jisung flung his fist aimlessly in the air, frustrated. He couldn't even chase his boyfriends scent as something unknown was in between. 

"Jisung, let's go inside first." Seungmin suggested. 


The old man was infront of him , smirking disgustingly. His brown hair messy and his eyes held the dirtiness. The atmosphere was cold and thick and tensed than ever. The boy felt an uneasy lump in the back of his throat.

"Seo Changbin," The older started, settling in his chair. "You dont want anything to happen to your little boy friend now do you? Make you moves wise so that you wont regret later."

"I dont believe you, mr. Kim." Straightly, the boy got to the point making the other chuckle. "I dont think you are the type of person to keep your words. You might get use of me and kill all of them. Including my boyfriend. " 

On, he was happy to use the word after a long time but he was worried that it was used in this matter. 

"I might seem like that. But if I give a promise I keep it."

Still, it wasn't believable. Changbin took a breath in controlling himself. "Mr. Kim, why are you doing this? Han Jisung is your grandson."

"He might be my grandson but he is mixed with a filthy vampire."

"You just disrespected me." He was ignored and he hated it. He never wanted to slit open someone's throat this much. 

"I'll be honest. He is in another step ahead in power and strength. So, he is a threat to us."

"He is never the type to attack someone who doesn't harm him. You are only bringing yourself your own death. You killed his mother and father."

"And kidnapped his boyfriend."

Changbin widened his eyes at the news that suddenly unrevealed.Jis stood up leaning over the table to grab the Kim's collar. "What the fuck did you say?! Why did you kidnap Minho?!"

"Oh, you know him?" Kim chuckled calmly not even shaken a bit by the younger . 

"Remember I can kill you right here."

"And, you are only bringing trouble to your love story." 

He hated how right he was. The maze he was in was either endless or dead ends. Changbin let go as he sighed, heavily. "What do you want?" 

Promise under the moonlightWhere stories live. Discover now