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The old man was blabbing about some shit of him falling in love and losing her... but Jisung was all focused on the foreign force bubbling like boiling water. It was different, as if he was freezing yet sweating at the same time and he could feel the burning sensation over the black mark of his.

"You let go of your wife just like how you did to my mother." He said when Mr.Kim said that he watched his own true love kill her self. 

"I had no other choice. They all made their own decisions."

"I will make mine too." Jisung went closer and stood infront of him looking deep in his eyes not knowing that his dark ones were becoming like red wine, dusted with glimmer of power and rage. "I wasnt planning on killing all of you but I'm sick and tired of you always trying to kill me. You killed my mom and dad, threatened my friends, kidnapped my boyfriend, let him be rapped and be stabbed. What good do you get from it? If you let us be happy and live alone in our own lives I would have never been a threaten to you. But too late... you started this fire." 

It was the exact same feeling he had the night his mother died. An incredible invigorating up his insides and awakening the wolf and the vampire within. 

The wind swirled around him, lifting him up over the ground and black flames burned around the tips of his long fingers. It was new yet exciting and he didn't know how to use his power.

Seungmin and Hyunjin backed away while Chan took Minho to his arms and join them. They watched how Jisung's hair fly and his body arch in great mightiness. His lips parted showing his white fangs and claws ripped out of the flesh. 

Han stepped down suddenly, moving his arms infront, sending a wave of dark energy that threw the werewolves over. Mr.Kim stumbled back while turning in to his wolf form, fury and messy, and growled, his sharp teeth that were connected with a string of saliva flashing out. 

"Seungmin, our game isn't over yet I guess." Hyunjin said playfully giving a lingering teasing kiss to the younger before signing his boys to get ready and shifted his body on to his fours. 

Circling his hands infront forming a bluish flame, Seungmin hit a group of wolves that was about to disturb the fiery fight between Jisung and Kim. 

With his claws, sinking in to the werewolve's flesh, Han dragged a long, deep bleeding damage as he dodged a disgusting yet a surprise bite of it. He tripped down, not expecting Mr. Kim to be incredibly strong but after all every werewolf was strong. With one swift move, getting back up on to his feet, he threw a blade that cut through the stiff air and hitting the wooden wall infront of Chan, who truly needed an extra weapon. Jisung truly didn't know how he really knew that but somehow he sensed it. It was as if he had eyes behind his head.

Mr.Kim - or now Kim the werewolf - lunged at him bearing his ivory teeth stained with blood of the werepire. Jisung's left hand shed some red liquid before the flesh again stitched together making it look like the wound was never there. 

"Woah... woah... cool down. Stop being a bad boy." As if he was talking to a bratty dog, Han mockingly gestured his hands, lifting a metal stand which had a ceramic vase and slammed it on to Mr. Kim instantly giving him a pressured hit making him fall on to his limbs. 

"I'm going to end you all..." With that he pulled out his mother's dagger out of his belt, walking towards the beast who limped while standing. Hyunjin jumped over his head, landing to another werewolf who was aiming Jisung as his target and sapped his neck as easily as braking an old dry stick. 

At the corner of the room, Minho laid peacefully as Chan and Seungmjn fought to give him his needed space. More and more werewolves were flooding in circling around them. 

Han only found himself going towards the violated creature, spilling blood all over the floor, as he played with the weapon on his hand. Swooping through the air, he swung his hands around the animal, slamming him on the hard wall, glaring straight at his eyes and withdrew his hand back just to push it back through it's ribs covered with thick layers of fur and flesh. A painful whimper escaped it's mouth as it turned back to the human form. Hearing the pain made Jisung laugh like a psychopathetic killer. He enjoyed it but deep inside he cried just like the small boy he was years ago. It was never his intention to harm his own kind and blood but it that blood and kind ruined his family. 

Tears streamed down over the arched lips of a sarcastic smile, eyes becoming swollen and crimson. Tilting his head down, not able to look at his grandfather, gasping to breath and bought the jlade back and forth multiple times and let the body slump down. He turned to look at his friends sadly staring at him. Jisung walked towards them, whispering something. 

"Get out of the building while the they shaken and distracted. I'll follow ya'll behind."

"I don't trust you on that Han Jisung." Bang Chan shook his head, his hand gripping on to Han's bloody ones.

"Just get out with Minho. I... " He looked over at his boyfriend. He didn't want to let ho of him. "I promise I'll come back."

Promise under the moonlightWhere stories live. Discover now