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Han walked around with his father as he was introduced to different businessmen and other  rich people.  He was so tired with faking a smile and he hated how some asked to marry their children to him. Looking around, he looked for his friends but failed find them in the crowd. Suddenly he felt a pair of lips behind him and a hot  breath hit the back of his neck. 

"Don't worry they are fine." Minho's words comforted Jisung as well as surprised him. 

"Let's go out. I need some fresh air." He turned his father and excused himself before grabbing Minho's arm.

They ended up in a guest room's balcony. Minho looked at the younger. His black coat was tightened with a belt around his waist. The silver watch on his hand, glimmered to the moonlight and the long earing he wore waved to the soft wind. Even Minho didn't know why he really walked towards him but he found himself wrap his hands around Jisung's waist and inhaled the expensive scent. 

Han was indeed taken aback. His heart beated in between his ribs. Over his sholder he looked at the taller, their faces inces apart. Minho's hair softly tickled his cheeck. "H-hyung...?"

"Ji, I don't know if this right to say but-" 

He stopped when Han tried to turn. "No. Don't turn I can't face you right now. So, I have been keeping this for too long. I want to tell this now. I probably didn't have the perfect past and I didn't have the bestest life either. I know after I say this I am going to leave you."

Jisung panicked, quickly removingthe older's hands to turn and looked at him. "You are leaving?! No!"

Before Minho could respond he felt a quick movement in the air. He swiflt moved changing the places with younger and hissed he felt a sharp pain on his sholder. A dagger clattered on the balcony railing where Jisung was and clattered on the floor. A dark figure jumped on to the balcony, his red eyes glaring at them. 

"Who are you?" Minho asked even though he smelled werewolf  blood.

"I am not here for you, vampire. Get away." 

"Minho,  leave." He heard Han mutter but Minho instead pushed him back and lounged at the beast, flashing his fangs. They both collapsed on the ground and it didn't take much time for the wolf to sink its claws in to Minho's arm and hip as it tried to lift him up and throw. But before that could happen Minho leaned forward, biting down his neck. The bitter taste of blood rushed in to his mouth but never passed down his throat. 

A few swconds later he was pulled away and Jisung had gripped the werewolf's throat untill it burnt down. His eyes had a golden rings around the black orbs. 

Reaching out for the older,  Jisung crouched down and looked at the heavily bleeding arms. "Hyung, wait . Remove your coat and shirt. "

"No, Jisung I am fine. I'll take care of it in the bathroom." 

"NO!" Jisung ordered. "You are going to sit here and do as I say. Remove it." He was wondering why Minho was so hesitant totake off his cloths. He stood up to grab some towels anda basin of water.

Minho gulped down. Either his confession or the thing underneath his shirt was going to become his reason to leave. Quietlyobeying his master he removed his coat and unbuttoned his white shirt and discarded them away. He already felt so ashamed and scared. 

Seeeing the younger come he closed his eyes, ready to face the fight. The next moment after Jisung sat down Minho heared a low gasp. This was it. He was screwed.

Promise under the moonlightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن