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*** I'm not that good in writing fighting scenes please bare with it. I promise it is going to end soon... like real soon. And please let me apologise for taking too long to update... Thankyou so much for reading my stories..  I love you all...

The vampires rushed in to the mansion. Seungmin was restless about what was about to come yet he held the gun on his hand attacking whatever that came infront. The blood around him was actually hard to resist but he couldn't face anyone with blood drooling out of his mouth. That would be disgusting, he knew since he had seen himself like that. The day he had fully turned in to a vampire. He could never forget. Baring his fangs to everyone around and running on to someone and sucking on the flesh as hot blood rushed through his teeth and empowered his veins.

Seungmin shook his head to snap out of it and grab a werewolves hand to throw him above his head on to Chan who slit his throat as if he was normally cutting vegetables. Easy and enjoyable.

"Where is Hyunjin?!" He asked while holding another one's neck giving him a hard time to breath.


He didn't seem to know. Rolling his eyes Seungmin smashed the fury man's head against the wall making a big read circle on the wall. He had never been this angry or maybe a bit disappointed.

"Seung..." Chan said. "They might be in there."

It was door in a corridor that was open as wolves were coming out of it towards them and familiar scents lingered around. They had to make it through and they were on it. Chan bended as a clawed arm went over where his head was a moment ago and stabbed the back of the werewolf's neck.

Chan's hair was a mess and he didn't mind at all. He had seen himself like that before and he thought that he indeed looked attractive. The thought bought a smirk on to his face out of nowhere ad he continued killing more and more. Every where smelled nasty and there were blood and waste body matter on the tiled floor.

Dashing through the door, Seungmin entered in to a fucked up war zone and in middle of it was Hyunjin and Han fighting.

The long haired boy stole a glance at the new comers. "Seungmin..."

"Y'all are so boring." Seungmin scoffed. "Han you go and save Minho. We will take care of these rotten rats."

Han didn't spare any time and ran away, pushing and pulling through.

"Hwang. The one who kills more wins. If I win, I'll top next time. If you win, fuck me all night." He snapped one's head. "One."

Meanwhile Chan who was listening to the younger while kicking a wolf commented. "That's nasty." But Hyunjin seemed to like the deal since he was keeping track on counting, eagerly reaching for more to kill.

Minho ran through the dark corridors that smelled dusty and dirty. Every door lead in to torture rooms which were far more than disgusting. He didn't mind the tiredness or the pain. He didn't care if he was only in his jeans he wore for quite long time, since he couldn't find his shirt or the jacket. Minho was partially thankful for the werewolf for letting him at least get half dressed.

A double door could be seen at the end and he hurriedly went over opening it without any warning which caused for somethings to stumble and fall. His eyes caught two guards and they didn't smell like werewolves.

"Mortals." He muttered and punched one in the face, knocking him out like a dead tree and threw the other on to a rack of knives. "Sorry 'bout that."

Taking three daggers on to his hand, Minho left the room to meet up with vampires and werewolves going insane. Just by standing there, his jeans were stained in red, sticking on to his skin.

"My oh my, where is my doll going?"

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