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Jisung and Minho were alone in his room, both glancing at each other, Jisung thinking about the things that he should tell his bodyguard and Minho questioning the silence.

The vampire let out a sigh and spoke. 

"Okay, Lee Minho. Why should I believe that you are something I own?" 

The taller had such beautiful brown eyes but behind them, he had a flickering change of dullness and darkness His hands were neatly in front of him, being polite towards the boy.

"Because young master's every word will be followed by me and I will stay loyal as long as I work for you."

 Jisung walked toward the boy and stood in front and he saw that Minho's ears were red. He smelled of warmth, of the sunset, and sweet as candy. "Rule one of many, don't call me young master or sir.
Rule number two, we will be like friends cause thinking having a secretary is a bit awkward, no offence.
Three, you are not allowed to touch any of my belongings without my approval.
Four, you are not allowed to go into the attached room over there." He showed the door that was in a far corner in his room. "Is that understood?"

"Yes, but what am I allowed to call you?" He asked in a soothing voice, calm at the core and flawless.

"I have a name and that is Han Jisung." 

"Alright, Jisung..." 

                                                                        *    *    *    *

It was almost right of the night and the crescent moon was above their heads, the familiar silence of the night embracing them with a cold breeze whispering at their napes.

The forest wasn't as crowded as the city streets they were headed to, assume it was soulless. Perhaps no one prefered to live in the forest.

Step by step, they were walking towards the old ally wherein the dark shadows was a tall figure, with long hair and hands dipped in pockets while leaning against the wall. 

"Hyung!" Jeongin happily skipped towards him, hugging him with effort. 

"Hello,  little vampire. What're you up to?" Hyunjin answered while looking at his boyfriend who rolled his eyes, obviously jealous. 

"Hello, darling. You look beautiful tonight" Wrapping his arms around Seungmin's waist he pulled the boy into a slow kiss. 

"Eww..." Chan made a disgusted face, well not so disgusted yet happy disgusted. "You make  me feel single as fuck." 

"Then get yourself a boyfriend," Han said, rude in a way but a little bit of truth wouldn't hurt. 

"As if you have one. " Chan mumbled. 

"No, I don't but I don't feel lonely either and whine like you old man." 

" I'm not-"

"Guys stop!" Hyunjin cried out, amused by the fighting as if they were five-year-olds. "Now tell me who is this handsome man? No offence Minnie.  You are my sweetheart."

Minho who was standing behind Jisung with a straight face was now noticed by the friend circle. "I'm his secret-"

"My friend." 

"Your boyfriend!" The werewolf was panicked.

"No, you idiot!" His boyfriend smacked his head, palm flat on the back with a loud thump.

"He is my secretary but a friend too." Minho's heartfelt a squeeze, looking at the squirrel-like boy, tugging at his lips. 

"Wanna go somewhere?" Asked Jeongin, pouting with boredom lingering.

"I thought you all are supposed to sleep at night." Minho pointed out. He was very close to Jisung that he could smell the warmth of his blood and his new owner was way different from the ones before, he agreed.

Jisung was young and ...had personal space with each other.

"They aren't day lighters like you," Han added.

"You are a day lighter?!" Hyunjin exclaimed making Seungmin hiss.

"You brat! Don't shout into my ears!" 

"Sorry baby. Anyways so you really can walk in the Sun?" 

Minho gave a simple nod before their conversation turned into a different topic as the boys started wandering under the neon lights of the streets.

Suddenly, Minho felt a soft hand wrap around his fingers and pull forward.

"Come closer." Jisung firmly said, eyes not meeting up and face so empty. "Don't feel awkward with us. Plus it is cold tonight." 

It wasn't that Minho had warmth since he was dead but not dead yet cold as a dead body but that Jisung didn't want him to feel left out.

"Today you were pretty cool. I mean shooing away that girl." Minho replied trying to build a conversation. 

"I mean I said the truth. I'm gay and I probably don't believe I'm too bottom for someone." 

'Of course, you aren't' Minho thought. 'You are making me realise how gay I am even though it has been barely a day.'

"You should have seen her face by the end, she ran away and slipped almost falling on her butt." 

Jisung's straight face turned to a small happy face, lips twitching at the corners and curling into a soft smile that he couldn't stop

Chan leaned over to Seungmin. "I'm sure they are gonna fall hard." 

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