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Jisung hid behind a tree before slipping a scent suppressing pill and bite onto it. He slowly bent, placing a knee on the ground and glanced over at the mansion that stood up to the sky forming a silhouette. The smell of werewolves were overflowing making him feel a little sick but he kept going forward. His steps as soft as a feather and his movements as fast as lightning in the air. 

' No wonder this looks like a castle than a head quarter of a pack compared to the dirty work that son of bitch is doing.' He thought silently watching out for the cctv and jump on to the boundary wall when the camera wasn't focused on to that side. Landing on the other side Han grabbed the dagger from his thigh belt so that he could kill a werewolf that is in his way. 

From place to place were guards securing the area and it truely was hard get unnoticed but he made it to an open window somehow and peaked in. No one was in there, which allowed the boy to get in. He didn't feel sorry for accidently dirtying the expensive rug on the floor, instead he cleaned his boots on it making the fabric look like chocolate stained. Suddenly a sound of a shower water running alarmed Jisung. 

"Oh my..." He whispered and walked over to the door to grab the knob and it opened for him as a male walked in to the room. Bitting the curse that was about to jump out of his mouth Jisung covered behind a certain table that he didn't know why it was right beside the door but he was thankful anyways. 

"Where is my beautiful, sexy girlfriend?" The male said aloud and a door opened and closed and giggling of a female followed signing that he had entered the bathroom. 

"Fuck, that was close." The werepire was back on his feet, opening the door that lead to a corridor. He was co fused bout where to go yet kept going to where his feet bought him to and it was a way down to a basement. Usually people were locked in basements, he knew. So he quickly took the stairs down that only went deeper and deeper down the ground in darkness. Few lights were lit up and some weren't working. 

"What the heck is that?" 

His eyes met a specific door at the end which was plain white. Han exhaled, expecting to see Minho on the other side. 

Promise under the moonlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora