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The annoying alarm began to beep as always and Han groaned furiously, grabbing the still wailing device to throw it across the room. It hit the wall next to the door and scattered in pieces.

"Holy Shit!" A familiar voice cried out, alarming the vampire to sit up and Minho was standing there in an excellent mood. "Do you always do that? Should have warned me so that I could be further cautious."

"My apologies and much... You could say that it happens... Pretty often." He scratched his nape, awkwardly and got off bed reaching for the shirt that he threw onto the nightstand before sleeping. Minho felt the blood rising to his cheeks as he jerked his head away, witnessing a hard chest.

"Hey, you alright?" Jisung came towards him after switching off the bedside lamp and placed his palm on the elder's forehead. "You look sick. What's wrong? Is it because I threw the clock or is it-"

"Stop asking too many questions and get ready for college. You will be late."

Taking his hand away Minho managed to say, hiding his embarrassment- and left closing the door behind before sighing a shaky breath. 

Jisung on the other hand lazily took off to have a shower,  changing into fresh, ripped jeans and a black t-shirt underneath a jacket.
"Let's go." 

"What about your breakfast?" Minho asked.

"You didn't eat?" Han received a shake. "Why did you wait for me?"

"I'm your secretary and I need to make sure you eat well" 

"Rule number whatever it is, don't wait for me to eat breakfast. Because I don't eat breakfast. Come I'll buy you food." Han tried to walk away but got pulled back and a brave flick settled on his head.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Minho was being such a mom, nagging at the boy but Han Jisung was enjoying it. No one has ever been like this towards him. Not even his friends.
Oh, well they all sleep in the morning.

"Oh come on Hyung. Stop nagging and come, will you?"

Han chuckled seeing the older's worked out face. " Come let's go."

*   *   *

Could a day be this boring?

Listening to clueless ramblings of old professors and flirtatious slurs of random girls and boys, perhaps it was more disappointing than annoying.

Currently, Minho and Jisung were walking through the corridor as the lectures were over. Students had already gone out of college when a group of girls approached them.

"Oh, Minho!" One said, a smile plastered across her powdered face. "Found a new daddy, I see. Not bad."

"Minji, just leaves," Minho said before Han could open his mouth in utter confusion.

"Don't be so snappy. Daddies don't like it when subs misbehave."

Jisung sighed seeing that Minho was extremely uncomfortable, crimson I dusted on his cheeks yet anger fuming in his eyes.
"Stop, will you."

"Such a whore isn't he? You must be paying him well."

The vampire didn't care about what they were speaking of but he definitely minded that the latter was ashamed and very sensitive. Pulling Minho behind, Jisung glared at the girls.
"I dare you to do that again and I will punch you right in the face."

"Boys don't hit girls." Minji, as hiding heard, said, tossing her eyes in such attitude.

"Then respect your kind and act like a woman."

"Disrespect me all you want, boy. But I'll tell you this. This coward behind you is the biggest whore you could ever find."

"Even if he is what you say, still Minho belongs to me. I will take care of what happens." Jisung spat, dragging the other with him to his car, letting Minho sit on the passenger seat.

The ride was extremely quiet and the taller seemed tensed and bothered.

"Are you alright?" He asked and Minho nodded without seizing his eyes off the road but he was not okay, shame and guilt eat him alive.
"I'm sorry about, Minji. She is my ex-best friend."

The vampire hummed. "Let's just go home."

Promise under the moonlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora