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"My oh my, where is my doll going?"

Not him, again. Minho turned around to meet with Jung Sook. His sly smile still on his disgusting face. His hair made him look like a rotten blueberry, at least for Minho who had glared at him with utter anger.

He could smell the same drug coming from the man but he wasn't sure if he had consumed it or just keeping it with him.

"Not this time Jung Sook."

Minho said baring his fangs out, eyes turning as red as blood spilling around, as bright as a ruby. He jumped on to him falling down together and his fist came to meet with the werewolf's face, leaving a bruised that became nothing.

"You can't kill me with that small punch little doll. I heal just as fast as you do."

The places changed, Jung Sook now on top of him, his hip straddling on Minho's, almost touching his dick. Two hands came up to grip his throat mercilessly and he couldn't breath properly but his fingers dug on to the wrists.

Lifting his knee up to hit the taller's back to distract him and just when the grip loosened, Minho tilted his head and sunk his teeth, bitter tasted blood rushing in to his mouth warmly, waking his thirsty monster inside.

Jung Sook jerked his hand back leaving a good amount of flesh in the vampire's mouth.

"You filthy brat...!"

Jung Sook punched his jaw earning a low groan before Minho lifted him up unexpectedly and threw him away and stood up. Fresh blood stained his hand as he wiped his mouth after spitting the blood away. Sweat dripped down and he himself could hear his dead heart thumping in him and telling him to tear the werewolf in to pieces.

"Excuse me...? Filthy brat? If I am a brat then you are a fucking perverted useless waste of space!" Minho snapped before flinging himself to push the man on to the wall and ruining his face, over and over again.

"You thought you could get away after fucking me like I am your toy?!"

His anger was taking control of himself that he was going blind. The rage and power that spoiled in him for years becoming like wine was drugging him to get justice for himself.

"You thought you could repeat history like a damn historian?! Fuck you! Fuck you for kidnapping me! Fuck you for raping me! Fuck you Jung Sook!"

Minho screamed on top of his lungs while beating the shit out of the taller and letting the body slump back almost lifelessly. He ran his tongue over the lips moistening the dryness away and turned to go but paused.


The next instant he was a prisoner in a tight embrace with warmth he missed. It felt as if everything was faded away, only them holding each other and crying while saying how hard it was. The way how it felt that the world is all good when it was not was sarcastic. That home-like scent mixed with sweet and blood, filled his lungs making him believe that every thing was okay.

"J-Ji..." He cried, his fists curling on Jisung's jacket pulling him as close as possible while the younger wrapped his hands around his waist kissing his forehead.

"I'm so sorry baby." Jisung was crying as well, tears streaming down dissolving to the redness of the face. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you on time."

Minho was out of words. His overwhelmed heart was too tired to find a reply to the boy but placed as much as pecks he could on to his neck.

"I missed you so much." The other said sighing heavily letting away the fear of loosing his love. Nothing mattered more than him having Minho close by.

He pulled away to see Minho's vulnerable state, body marked up with fresh scars and bruises, hair tousled and damp with sweat.

"Let's get you out baby, yeah?"

"You came alone?"

Jisung shook his head. "Others are here. Come one no time to waste."

Minho gulped and let Jisung take him away. He didn't give a glance back at Jung Sook since it was the least thing in his mind and walked away.

Far away he could hear the roars and hisses of vampires and werewolves as well as the rising heartbeat of his boyfriend. Jisung infront was glancing around for notice any danger and there was none he stated themselves out but Minho couldn't stop feeling someone at his back. He had turned a few times to see anyone but no one was really there.

They had reached the main hall where now Hyunjin and Seungmin were fighting the creatures away. A breath touched his neck giving him shivers as goosebumps rose up.

He turned around instantly feeling a cold metal pierce in to his flesh, cutting through the veins, leaking hot blow. A sigh left between his lips, looking at the blurry figure of an old person. He tumbled back on to the younger who gasped and welcomed him to his arms. The silvery blade burned his skin and he could feel it, how it spread around him like a venom taking control.

"B-baby..." Jisung stumbled on his words as he sat down placing Minho on his lap carefully, his hand going down to cover the bleeding wound on the boy's stomach.

"There is no point in saving him now." The Kim said, his voice almost mocking the poor boy. "It was a silver blade. He is going to die. Just like how you are going to die."

"What is your problem?!" Jisung fought back, tears rushing out with hatred and pain. "Why can't you let us be happy?"

"A mistake doesn't deserve happiness. A creature like you don't deserve a place in the world. You are supposed to be dead. I should have killed you even before you were born. You don't belong to our family"

"Shut up!" Chan raised his voice, loud like thunder roaring. "What do you know about family? You killed your own daughter. So how do you know about a family."

"She betrayed her pack!"

"No, she believed in her heart!" Seungmin snapped coming front. "She did the right thing from staying wuth who she truly love. You old dump shit do not understand what true love is."

"I do know what true love is." Mr. Kim replied being oddly calm. "I also had one whom I loved."

Meanwhile, Jisung was trying to get rid of the blade. "Baby, hold on. I'm going to pull this out and then I will heal this."

"Jis-jisung there is n...no point..."

"Shh... baby. Don't talk love."

Jisung fighting his trembled away as he wrapped his fingers over the hilt. He had plans. He had a plan that he wasn't sure of but believed in.

Within a split second Jisung jerked the blade out receiving a painful groan from Minho who shutting his eyes shut and making his fists tightly.

Bringing his wrist up to his teeth, Jisung flashed his fangs out and ripped a piece of flesh of and spat it away and held the bleeding hand over the wound. Minho was at the state to black out but he probably saw what the other was doing. The try he took to stop him useless ad he couldn't move a single hand.

The werepire blood dripped down the skin and fell on to the violated wound mixing in to Minho's blood.

With the other hand, he forced the blood out by squeezing.

Minho could feel a foreign power build in him as if he was having a rebirth. The demise he was looking at faded far away yet he felt a sleepiness. He was sure as day light that he would wake up sooner or later and for some reason he let his eyes fall down letting the darkness take over his heavy body.

"Hyunjin..." Han whispered taking the boy's attention. "Please stay beside him. At least have your boys protect him. I have things to solve." 

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