What if Cale turned into a child? (18)

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Cale had calmed down faster than they expected. The little redhead who cried so loud like this for the first time was heartbreaking for them who's witnessing this for the first time. 

Ron's eyes lingered on the redhead who's currently wiping his tears with the handkerchief that Alberu gave him. His heart was hurting so much while watching the young master he served since he's a baby cried so loud. He felt useless for not knowing the reason why Cale's crying like so. If he knew, he'll do something about it just to not see Cale being like this. 


Cale looked up to them after he wiped off the tears. He slowly turned his eyes away from them and look at the entrance of the villa instead. He can't look at them who has vicious stares directly at him. Those curious eyes that are currently piercing the side of his face were making Cale's head throb.

"Let's go home fiwst, Ron. Father might be looking fow me now."

Cale stood up after he said that- completely ignoring the lisps- and looked at the three children beckoning them over. But the three only stared at him with serious eyes. Cale's eyebrow twitched and looked towards Choi Han and Alberu who's looking at him too. Cale was starting to feel nervous from the way they are staring and to add up to that, his old assassin butler was smiling benignly at him again with cold eyes. 


Cale groaned and looked down while closing his eyes. He can't just blurt out that he's crying because of a past that he now deemed useless and well, pointless. He didn't want to worry them more than they are now, just thinking how their faces will distort to a worried face, Cale's stomach is already churning. 

He sighed and looked at them. Well, if this continues and the questions keep on piling, that'll be bad if it blew up and Cale really finds that troublesome. That's why he planned to tell them just a part of the truth.

"Emotional instability is one of the side effects of the curse."

It is the most plausible reason he can tell them. He can't tell them that he's crying because of his past family, for one, only Raon, Choi Han and Alberu knows he's a transmigrator. So what of Ron, On and Hong? Cale can explain to On and Hong, it won't be that heavy. But one individual will be greatly impacted by this. His old assassin butler. What will Ron do if he knew that the young master he's serving isn't the same young master anymore? Cale shivered inwardly just from the countless simulations his head is coming up. 

Of course, while Cale is thinking to himself, the others were frozen stiff in their places as they look at the little redhead that was clearly in deep thoughts. 

'Emotional instability...'

Choi Han's eyes lingered on Cale before he stood up and picked the redhead up. Making the others look at him. He gave them an innocent smile as he looked towards Ron who's looking at him coldly. Ron clicked his tongue making Cale flinch and grip on Choi Han's clothes. 

This only firmed Cale's reason not to tell them the truth. 

What if Cale turned into a child? (Trash of the Count's Family Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now