WICTIAC: My Friend!

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I was actually sad I didn′t get to include Toonka and Cale′s interaction in the past chappies so, fufu. From here on and to the next chapter, my favourite, stupidly cute and idiotic commander shall have his spotlight! MUHAHAHAHA


Cale sighed as he stared at his reflection, face distorted to a frown.


Cale′s eyebrows twitched. The long and fluffy-looking ears bend as if to reflect the dissatisfaction and irritation of the little redhead. 

He was currently inside his bathroom, facing the full body mirror which was reflecting his current appearance. His two arms rested on the mirror staring at the pair of bunny ears as if it will disappear if he did so.

Cale would′ve been in a good mood if the only thing that he needed to worry about are the pair of ears on his head.

However, reality was different.

The potion not only planted a pair of fluffy bunny ears on his head but also...

Cale turned a bit. In the mirror, a small fluffy white furry bunny tail twitched behind him. It was annoying to see it twitching every once in a while, not only that, the pair of ears were even more annoying to have. 

He wondered what kind of sick person would make a potion like this. Are they so bored that they have to make a potion with this kind of effect? What the hell are they going to use it for?

...Is this a kink or something?

Cale, no, Kim Rok Soo had lived and known things that touch the white and black, even the grey part of morality. However, this was the first time he had encountered someone who have this kind of...preference. 

′Fantasy worlds really got the freedom for these kinds of things...′

Knock. Knock.

Cale flinched and saw how the pair of ears above his head jerked up, completely displaying his surprise. The redhead's frown deepen when he saw how it was even slightly twitching.

Frustrated by this scene, Cale tugged on the ears that had flattened and tensed up, once again completely displaying his discontent.

″Young master-nim?″


Cale blankly stared at the now quivering ears and tail behind him. Hearing his butler′s voice coming from the other side of the door made this situation of his. 

"What the hell."

Cale blurted out while glaring at the ears and tail attached to him. He begrudgingly opened the door and glared at the pair of legs, just along his height′s line of sight.

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