What if Cale turned into a child? (37)

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Okay, this might not end in chapter 40...I'm craving for Cale's interaction with other characters ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ), main or sides, I'm CRAVING for it like wtf. Also, I might add some odd interactions like if child!Cale interacts with God of Death...—I personally think Cale interacting with GoD to be the most entertaining interaction yet in this FF lmao what do you guys think? I'm all open to your requests on who do you want our little redhead to interact with o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓I'll try my hardest to make it possible in this FF(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 



Choi Han's voice has never sounded so frightened like this before. His voice was shaking, almost to the point of it breaking before he could even utter Cale's name.

He, no. They were horrified.

They were breathless while watching the scene in front of them. Their knee caps had never felt so weak before. 

They were strong. It wasn't even an exaggeration to say that they are the strongest as long as they're alive and kicking.

But in front of this scene, they couldn't be so sure anymore. 

Their limbs were shaking, almost wanting to give up on functioning. Their knees seem to turn into gelatin. They felt so weak that it seems so they need to hold onto something to remain standing. 

Their eyes shaking, jaws clenching, knuckles formed into tight fists as they helplessly watch the scene in front of them. Their eyes were bloodshot as they stood in the vicinity. Layers and layers of protective spells and barriers were installed just so the person inside wouldn't suffer and be more vulnerable anymore.

The beautiful picturesque view of the clear blue lake had become slowly tinted from the centre to the edges of it. The spreading scarlet colour as if blossoming in the vast blue sky is beautiful...


It was too horrifying to watch.

The scarlet colour that reflects the same colour of the cascading red hair wasn't beautiful at all. They couldn't see any of the pale skin that made the redhead look unrealistically beautiful. 

All they could see were red.

The spotless white dress shirt that Cale wore earlier was now red, on other parts were black. It was a truly horrifying sight that beholds them when they checked on the redhead after hearing agonizing screams that disturbed the peaceful and silent village.


After the carriage appeared on the edge of the Endable Kingdom, the barrier quickly closed again after it let the flow of mana out that soon formed into the carriage.

Ron and Beacrox both sat on the driver's seat and the rest of the group was inside. the father and son duo were silent but their eyes were sharp as it accurately stared at certain places near or far from their position.

"There are some annoying flies."

Ron's wrinkled face was frighteningly cold but the smile on his lips made him look more devious, if Cale saw that, he'll surely faint.

Beacrox just silently watch the movements in the forest as his eyebrows twitched, "It seems so that we have to train these newcomers."

The two looked like they were talking about casual matters because of how they are both smiling. But to the assassins who were from the same household as this father and son, hearing them say those words with smiling faces was like the grim reaper coming to them and saying that they'll die right on that spot.

What if Cale turned into a child? (Trash of the Count's Family Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now