Chapter 38- help

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Cold was the first feeling I felt when I started to wake up.

Then came the rush of pain, almost in an instant, it consumed my body.

I moved, whether to try anything to lesson the pain or maybe just to curl into a ball and cry, but that thought was short lived as my hands refused to move from behind my back.

Now was the time that the adrenaline kicked in, I was most obviously not somewhere safe and needed to escape before worse could accrue.

But once I opened my only good eye left, I was met with the worst case even before I could help it.

Just to the side of me, laid down on a filthy couch was Dabi, his hair a white glow.

He had found me unconscious before any of the heroes could.

Slightly moving my legs, I confirmed they were too tied.

I was undoubtedly fucked.

Dabi was awake, no doubt about it, as he watched lazily at the tv in front of him.

I listened as the tv talked about the war I was just in, shit had gone from bad to hell and I was just sitting in the hell fire still.

My eye widened and I sat up a bit straighter without a thought as he was displayed on the screen, Hawks.

He's alive, he's actually alive.

"I knew you two were close." My whole body stiffened as Dabi's voice scrapped at my ears.

Refusing to move, I heard a small laugh before my chin was pulled to face his glare.

"You know you're fucked, I can see it in your eyes, well eye." He was loving every minute of this as he spoke with such power behind his words.

Of course I was, and it scared me shitless, no sense of words even began to form in my head.

"You're fucking shaking," his smile was sickening, "you know, this is going to be so much fun."

Seeing that I wasn't going to respond, he continued his inevitable grand speech.

"You know that little chicken shit you're so fond of?" He let go of my chin now as he paced the room in front of me, "well he fucked me over in a big way, and I, for one, am not going to let that shit slide so easily."

I am done for.

All the heroes were apart of that war, most of them were still recovering heavily from it.

Some probably died-


I didn't see him on the news, he can't be- no.

A burning sting on my cheek brought me back to my own situation as Dabi was back crouched down in front of me.

"Come on little Skye, what happened to the bite you had hmmm?" He was so far from sane but still some how looked like he didn't care at all, "if I recal correctly, I remember you distinctly saying to a group of dangerous villains while in the exact same situation, and I quote 'suck my dick.'"

There was only one door in the room and no sharp enough objects to cut the rope or draw blood.

All the blood from my eye had been cleaned, obviously by him.

"Fine," his nonchalant shrug scared me at what it entailed, he was done just talking, "I have the perfect way to make you speak, more like cry."

Without a seconds hesitation, his hand latched onto my arm burning my skin in an instant.

I couldn't even try to think about keeping quiet, the pain was white hot that I could almost feel my skin melting under his grip.

Even after he let go, the tears still fell free from my eye.

"See how easy that was," his sadistic smile never wavered, "this way you'll never bleed and I can still gift that bird bitch something that'll scar him real nice."

He went for my neck this time, his grip iron hot, as I chocked on my cries.

No amount of struggling helped, all I could do was endure it.

And it only got worse from there. By the end of it I lay on my side, my body still searing in pain at all the patterns he had painted on my skin.

I just got lucky enough that he got bored and went out, if he had continued my mind would have given up.

I didn't even want to think about all the scars that would be left from his burns.

I definitely looked like absolute shit from a fucked up eye to burn marks littering my body, marks of a hero right?

A hero?

No, I was bait.

Bait for my hero who'd inevitably die because of me.

I don't want this.

I want to be in the dorm lounge drinking Momo's tea and complaining about school work with the others.

I want to rant to Aizawa about my day as he listens, always listens, no matter what he's doing.

I want to make fun of Bakugo.

I want to feel Mina's hugs.

I want to see Eri grow.

I want to train with Shinso.

I want to see Kirishima's smile.

I want to soar the skies with Hawks.

I want to not feel this pain anymore.

I just want to be able to be a kid.

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