Chapter 28- train

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Boy oh boy was I a tired bitch.

Classes today had been so much longer then usual, not even Yamada's energy could keep me going during his lessons.

The only thing that kept me going was Aizawa's text about Shinso's training today. Of course I was tired but miss an opportunity to mess with Shinso? Would never give up such a god sent thing.

Wearing just my PE kit and blood bands, I slid into the training area where Aizawa stood looking at me with his usual tired look, arms crossed and everything.

"You tired too, huh?" Aizawa inquired while smiling at me in knowing.

"Honey, today has been long!" I said wiping imaginary sweat from my forehead, "so where's the little shi-"

"Sorry I'm late!" Shinso came rushing in with a weird looking thing around his neck just above the binding cloth.

"No matter. I see you finally got the device." Aizawa shrugged off.

"Device? Unfair, I feel out of the loop here!" I pouted over at the two.

"Yes, you are," I deadpanned at Aizawa's straightforwardness, "since Shinso's quirk is useless if others know about it, he figured out making a device that changes his voice to other's would be the perfect way to trick people into answering him."

My mouth fell open as my head whipped over to Shinso.

"I need my finders fee you little shit."

"No, you never technically claimed the idea as your property so..."

This bitch!

Yes, he was right, I never did.

It was a random 3am call thought one night. I couldn't sleep cause of the nightmares so I tried to think of something else which didn't work.

I'd tried to call Hawks but he didn't answer that night so I called Shinso for some distraction which led to us brainstorming about his quirk. To which the sliver of that idea popped up.

"Fine, fine!" I waved him off, "so you can sound like anyone with that?"

"Basically." He didn't even try to hide the satisfaction in his tone at my 'defeat'.

"Alright, I'll leave you two to it for today. I need to sort out a few things for in a few days." Aizawa vaguely stated before slandering off.

I mean I knew he'd leave, that's why he called me for this session. Whenever he was too busy to help train Shinso he'd bring me over to help him with practice.

"Aight soon to be hero, let's tussle!" I bent down into a fighting stance.

Shinso smiled his crooked cute smile getting into stance too, only to stop once I popped up again with a new look on my face.

"Wait, wait! First things first, I wanna see the device in action." I said easily grabbing at it as Shinso tried to move back, embarrassment clear on his face.

"I-I'll do it." Shinso said gently swatting my hands away causing me to playfully narrow my eyes at him.

I put my hands up in surrender before taking a step back.

Shinso began fiddling with the device as he attached it over his mouth, it really looked good, me and my mask fascination.

"Basically it's a voice changer." Shinso- no I said. Wait, what?

"Ew! Is that what my voice sounds like?" I said giving a disgusted look.

"Yes, it's very annoying." I bonked him on his head at his words.

"So you can use my voice now, hmmm..." Shinso look confused at the scandalous look on my face.


"Nothing..." I spun around on my heel as my tone got more teasing, "you're not going to use my voice when you're alon-?"

I heard his breath hitch for a second before his binding cloth wrapped my mouth stopping my question.

I muffledly laughed at his reaction, before the binding cloth slipped off.

"I kid... unless?" I bite my lip dramatically as I spun back around to see his face was practically glowing red from his blush.

I took his flustered state as the perfect opening to steal his mask. I used my blood as a whip to yank it over his head before plopping it into my hands.

"Huh? W-What- give it back!" Shinso was a stuttering mess as I just placed it over my mouth.

"Okay, now how do I use this?" I didn't want to just randomly fiddle with buttons incase I broke it. I fluttered my lashes at Shinso using puppy eyes to try and sway him.

He groaned before walking over to me, pressing some buttons. This close, I could clearly see that the blush even spread to his ears, cute.

"Here, now try and speak." Shinso stepped back a bit gesturing to me.

"Umm okay- wow! No way! This is too cool!" My voice sounded just like Shinso's and I may have let that fact get to me head, "hello everyone, my name is Shinso and I love big booty bit-!"

"Okay that's enough!" Shinso pulled the device over my head placing it back around his neck as I laughed my ass off.

Shinso was smiling too, not even trying to hide it this time.

"Man, I can't wait for you to join my class." I mused at him.

"Me neither." He looked so determined for his dreams to come true.

The rest of the day was left to actual training and although I won most of the matches he was constantly getting harder to beat. He really was improving so much, a true hero in training.

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