Chapter 1- first day stress

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Aizawa had been a surprisingly great carer, but judging by all that I have to compare with it's not much of a competition.

He wasn't the most affectionate person but I could tell he cared.

He helped me better understand my quirk, and better yet come to the terms of having one to begin with.

For someone whose never had kids, he really helped me through the hardest part of my life. He really was the father that I had always wanted, but I'd never say that to his face, i didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

With many a trial and error, it turns out my quirk was somewhat similar to someone he knew.

My quirk was blood manipulation. I could manipulate my own blood as well as others, but only once it was outside the body. I could manipulate the blood in different ways depending on the type of blood. From what we gather; for type A I can turn the blood elastic, for type B I can harden the blood, for type AB it was a combination of harden or elastic (and lucky for me cause that's my blood type).

Then type O, the blood type my stepfather was.

The type I now refuse to use.

This type was different from the others in a way that the blood didn't need to be outside the body.

If someone's blood type was O and I used my quirk on them, I would make their blood boil.

Aizawa has told me one night, when he found me crying in my room over the new found information and as the image of his boiled skin never left my mind, "no one gets to choose the quirk they get, but they do get to choose how to use it."

I don't know why but those words felt like pillars holding up my frail structure. Maybe it's because that was the first time I was ever comforted by an adult, or maybe I had grown more attached to Aizawa then I had let myself believe. When he pulled me into a hug, I couldn't help but let the dam walls come crashing down. I had chocked on my sobs while apologizing non-stop, while he only held me close and let me let out all my emotions.

Ever since that night my trust in him has only grown. It had only been a year living with him but I've realized how much happy I've been in this one year then most of my life.

He trained me to better control my quirk and improve my combat abilities as I had informed him of my goal to become a hero.

Luck was on my side as he was a teacher at the school I'd been dying to join, U.A.

His recommendation allowed enter into the school for hero's with less work then the others.

Only one short assessment and I was shaking aizawa from the news of my acceptance. He looked so proud of me, I never seen such a look before. I will work as hard as I can I see that look again and again and again.

I was so excited about it but now, now that tomorrow was my first day, oh boy oh boy were the nerves punching me in the stomach so bad I could barely eat at dinner.

"Eat your food, skye." Aizawa's eyes were staring at my hand as it continuously tapped the table.

"Can't. Might die."

"You'll be fine tomorrow. You're in my class anyways so if there is a problem I can tell you to solve it yourself." He stated matter of factly as he continued eating dinner.

"Tough love, hey?" I chuckled to myself.

"You are more then capable to handle things, stop doubting yourself." His statement caused me to pout.

"Yeah, yeah, work on my confidence. I already knew that."

"Good, now eat your food before it gets cold." Aizawa said with a slight smile.


My oh my, this door is fucking huge. Jesus as though your nerves weren't shot enough now the door is even intimating me.

'Just breathe and open the door.'

My hand refused to move from my side as I continued to stupidly stare at the door.

This is all your fault asszawa leaving me to socialize with my peers.

Don't get me wrong I'm not socially awkward, once I feel comfortable with someone I'll never shut up but first impressions, no thank you.

"Skye!? No way!" A higher pitched voiced explained from next to me.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head once I recognized the boy.

"Izukun! Thank goodness someone I know!" Pulling into a hug all I could hear was his stammering about something touching his chest? Anyways.

Releasing him from my grasp I looked at his beet red face, "Wait don't tell me, you're in class 1-A too?"

He seemed to get over his embarrassment quickly after what I said.

"You're in class 1-A! I never saw you at the entrance exam though?"

"Oh yeah," I chuckled at bit, "I got in through recommendations"

"What?! No way that's amazing skye!" He looked so happy, looking at him always felt like looking into the sun, so bright. "Oh we should probably get into class but after you got to tell where you've been all this time!"

Luckily he opened the door so I never had to.

Oh boy let me tell you the uproar in this class was crazy, how so many people can be so active this early in the morning was beyond me.

I recognized the spikey haired boy who was causing the most of the uproar. I had many arguments with him when we were younger over his treatment to Izukun.

The boy who was yelling at him had now come over to us to introduce himself as well as apologize? I don't know, I felt like I had missed a lot during the entrance exams, bit sad about that but hey oh well.

I was about to slip away to find my assigned seat when more if our classmates started surrounding us, introducing themselves. I laughed out of reflex to lessen my nerves as I introduced myself back.

A gruff voice interrupted our talk. Everyone's head had turned class entrance and I couldn't help to the air that left my nose as my hand shot up to my mouth to cover my laugh.

Aizawa you look like a caterpillar.

Now here we all were for our 'quirk assessment', damn I never knew Aizawa was such a strict teacher, actually, tough love, hey?

Most of the tasks I could perform easily without my quirk thanks to Aizawa's teachings.

For the ball throw though I thought, why not use it.

Thankfully I'd been training for this type of scenario, no not ball throwing dumbie.The bracelets around my wrists weren't just for show. I was always training my concentration skills by holding my own blood in the shape of a bracelet so I don't have to injure myself every time my quirk was needed.

Unwrapping the blood from my wrists, I elasticated it causing it to form a whip and wrapped it around the ball.

Alright, cowgirl style.

I spun the whip above my head at high speeds before releasing the ball from the whip watching it shoot through the sky.

Ah hell yeah.

The rest of the assessment went fine but the most shocking was Izukun had a quirk. Hoe we both idiots then. I was so happy for him, he can finally reach his goal.

Spikey hair, I forget his name whoops, was so anger. It was actually kind of sad how insecure he was.

The first day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I even made friends; Izukun, Iida and Uraraka. Sure Izukun made friends with them first but they were so sweet and friendly towards me I felt so welcomed by them. We walked each other out of school while Izukun was asking a million questions a second about my quirk causing me to laugh. He hasn't changed at all.

I hope this year is going to continue to be this great.

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