Chapter 35- puzzle pieces

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"Welcome to Endeavor's hero agency!" The number one hero said with a smile before it cracked into a sneer, "psyche, as if I'd be that friendly."

Wow, this is off to a great start.

"I only accepted you guys because Shoto asked me too! But to be honest I wanted Shoto to come alone," he had a permanent scowl on but when he turned to me it wavered a bit, "although I'm fine with training you."

I guess the battle we fought together helped build some of his respect for me.

"Thank you for having us." I replied.

We all began to follow him to what seemed was towards the Endeavor agency but that idea was crushed as Endeavor erupted in flames before shooting off from us.

"If you want to learn from me, watch me from behind!"

He really thot.

We easily kicked off after him after taking out parts of our hero suits from our cases. Well for me I had to take all my blood out for my wings. Although he was undoubtedly faster then us as he intercepted a villain I hadn't even noticed till he attacked.

He went through the alleyway.

I flew back down near the boys before motioning the information to them and we took off.

The villain and Endeavor came out of the alleyway just as we advanced our assault. Perfect timing, or that's what I thought until a fury of red popped into our way, easily taking our targets out.

"Ah! The interns! Sorry, looks like I was a bit faster then y'all."

Landing back on my feet, I spun around to see Hawks in all his red glory. What?

"Big bird, busy my ass!" I huffed out at him.

He looked genuinely taken aback when he turned to me.

"Birdie! What are you doing here?" He was smiling and I could tell it wasn't his fake Hawks smile, he was actually happy.

"Hm," the cockiness in my tone was obvious, " I'm interring with Endeavor now, since a certain pigeon left me."

"Aah, don't be like that. I've been missing you so much as it is." Man, he looked almost sick at how tired he was, even with his genuine smile I could tell something was eating away at him.

"Are you oka-?"

"Well?! What business did you have?! Hawks!" Endeavor stomped his way into the conversation.

"Not much business, but..." Hawks pulled out a book from one of his pockets, "Endeavor, have you read this book?"

A book?

Hawks went off on how amazing the book is and wawawa, but when he handed it over to Endeavor I got a chill up my spin at the look on his face.

"Please do take some time to read it, okay?" His voice was in a complete contrast to his voice before as he placed the book into Endeavor's hands.

"Wow a book recommendation from the number two hero! I have to read it!" Leave it to Izukun to fanboy his way into the tense atmosphere around Endeavor, Hawks and I.

"If you're interested I've got plenty copies to spare!" Hawks went straight back to his fake cheery voice as he gave everyone a book.

My mind was too fixated on the book that Endeavor had to notice Hawks staring into my soul as he handed me a book.

"I've just been recommending them to all my friends and acquaintances across the country!" Hawks' expression drastically changed again as he addressed Endeavor, "at the very least, take a look at the parts I've highlighted. That's my recommendation as number two."

Before Hawks kicked off into the air, he gently placed a hand on top of my head and I could feel that he was trembling slightly and I think he noticed I did because he removed his hand from my head very quickly.

"Well, I've gotta head out. Good luck with internships and watch out for my birdie, she's a feisty one." And he was off.

Even at the Endeavor agency I couldn't shake this feeling.

Endeavor had gone into his office with the book Hawks gave him as I wished so badly that I could have just barged in and got answers but with his sidekicks watching over us and the ever-looming look on Hawks face I knew it was a secret.

Hell I couldn't even drool over Burnin' because of it. I'm living that sad fucking life homies.

Maybe Hawks coded a secret message into the book? He did say at least look at what he had highlighted...

I had looked through the book he'd given me but nothing. Shit!

"I'll be training you four, myself." I hadn't even noticed that Endeavor came back out from his office till he spoke.


It had been two weeks with Endeavor and as much as his training helped me better improve my agility, I couldn't help but miss Hawks. No bird time at the end of the day just 'well done, we'll improve more tomorrow.' Sigh.

And as we stood in front of the Todoroki home, I started to feel the weighing worry start to get to me.

Although when the doors opened and a beautiful lady greeted us, I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you all for coming! It's nice to meet you, I'm Shoto's sister, Fuyumi!" She was so welcoming and smiley.

My god the Todoroki genes were something else alright.

"Thank you for inviting us," I added in my gratitude with Izukun while Bakugo wouldn't stop saying 'but why?', "sorry but can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure it's just down the hall to the right."

"Thank you."

I know I should have gone before coming here but don't judge my small bladder!

As I made my way down the hall, my eyes wondered over the stunning designs of the house till they fell onto a slightly open door.

I stopped in my step to notice a little shrine was inside. A photo sat in the center of a young child, those eyes...

I jumped when I heard the others calling for dinner and quickly went to do my business before joining everyone around the table.

The atmosphere in the dinning room was suffocating. Todo's brother, Natsu, had joined us and the genes continued to flourish.

The conversation was small but spiteful from Natsu towards Endeavor.

Dinner had ended on a shit note as Natsu abruptfully left. It was a heavy quiet as we helped clean up.

Now only Todo, Izukun, Bakugo, Fuyumi and I sat at the table as they talked about their brother.

"Natsu had always gotten along with Touya, they used to play together a lot," Fuyumi spoke quietly, "Natsu is the only one who can't let bygones be bygones. To this day he believes that it was father who killed him."

That must be who was in the photo.

"Fuyumi, ah, if you don't mind me asking but do you have a picture of Touya that I could look at?" I know my question sounded weird but I can't shake the feeling from in the hall just now.

"Oh, sure, I have one on my phone."

My hands shook as I looked into the child in the photo. Those eyes...those fucking eyes. It can't be, they said he died so it obviously can't be...

"Alright, it's about time I send y'all back to school." Endeavor said as he came back into the dinning room.

Should I say something...but I don't even know if I'm right, what if I'm just seeing things?

It can't be...right?


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