Chapter 25- fight for her

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With a gasp my eyes shot open trying hard to adjust to the harsh light.

What the fuck?


My eyes adjusted to see the figure looming over me was Eri, only to also notice Overhaul standing a few centimeter behind her.

I'm alive?

I didn't get the opportunity to wrap my head around what was happening as Izukun's voice pierced through the air.

We are still mid battle, no time to think of myself.

I jumped up to stand which shocked both Eri and Overhaul as they stared at me but I ignored them once I saw Izukun making his way up to us.

Save Eri.

I quickly threw Eri towards Izukun before turning and kicking Overhaul squarely across the face.

This action seemed to have fueled his ever growing anger, fuck me I got no blood to use.

Overhaul slammed his hands down onto the ground causing spikes to shoot out towards Izukun and Eri. Sucks for me cause it triggered Izukun to go all out with his kick, sending a huge blast that broke the pillar we stood on.

I felt a jolt of pain as a horrifying cracking sound hit my ears. Yip, something is definitely broken.

Overhaul took no time to morph himself into a huge disformed monster before launching himself towards where Izukun and Eri went off too.

I lay on my back for a bit, under some rubble, waiting for the pain to hopefully subside. I heard the muffled sound of voices coming from somewhere near to me but I couldn't make out who it was.

I need to get help or I'll die...again? God! Did I die? His hand kept haunting my mind. I must have...but then how am I here?

I slowly started to push the rubble off of my body, trying my hardest to ignore the stabbing pain that I got with every movement.

I sat up to see Ryukyu in her dragon form a few meters from me. Thank fuck.

"Ryu-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I stared violently coughing up blood. Maybe it was a broken rib pierced my lung?

Ryukyu whipped her head in my direction after hearing me and immediately came over. She opened her mouth to speak only to be interrupted by others voices coming from behind her.

I sat wavering in my place as a group of people showed up. Upon noticing that I knew them I relaxed sending them a bloodied smile and a thumbs up before falling backwards conscious.

When I came too again I was blinded by lights. Wow, this situation is all too familiar.

Once adjusted I noticed I was in a hospital.

I slowly sat up with much effort to see bandages along my stomach and chest, guess it was the ribs.

How long was I out for?

My head whipped to the side upon hearing the door open. A smile stretched across my face as Aizawa stood there, obviously not expecting me to be awake.

"Morning! Or maybe it's afternoon I can't tell, I just-" my rambling was interrupted as Aizawa pulled me into a hug.

I could feel him shaking. He must have been so worried that I'd die, die. I died...didn't I? His hand... oh god.

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