Chapter 24- end of the line

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My heart rate was going a million miles an hour as my eyes landed on Mirio, bloodied and exhausted but still looking out for Eri.

"She's be...hind me." His voice was so strained.

Nighteye and I immediately went over to them as Aizawa and Izukun went for Overhaul.

Nighteye caught Mirio in his arms as he fell to his knees.

"You were simply amazing, Mirio!" I could feel tears well up in my eyes at Nighteye's words but I shook them away as I looked over at Eri with a smile.

"Hey sweetheart, everything is going to be okay now." I cooed, pulling her close while planting a soft kiss on her head.

I looked over to where the fight was happening only to watch Aizawa be pulled down a hole by on of Overhaul's men.

I acted faster then I my brain could even comprehend as I used Aizawa's blood that I'd hardened on his shoulder to pierce through the person going after Aizawa.

I don't know if that helped as the hole they fell through quickly disappeared and my concentration was diverted to Overhaul.

I gripped Eri tight, dodging as Overhaul produced multiple spikes around the whole room randomly.

I held Eri's head into my chest to shield her from the horrifying turn of events as Overhaul dissembled himself and one of his men only to reassemble them both together into a new terrifying monster.

"What a tragic life, huh, lemillion? If only you hadn't gotten involved with Eri...with me... you would not have lost your quirk forever! You'd still be able to achieve your dreams!"


Shit! This is bad.

Looking next to me at Mirio I could see he was in a great amount of pain, my heart hurt seeing the usually cheery boy like this.

I looked down at Eri in my arms when I heard her let out a chocked sob to see tears running down her face.

"Everything's going to be okay, sweetie pie, I've got you." I said trying to calm her in anyway that I could.

The fight between Izukun and Overhaul was intense, I wanted so badly to help.

My prayers were kind of answered as Nighteye jumped into the action after motioning me over to Mirio.

"Lemillion, are you okay?" The worry dripped from my words as Izukun landed next to us.

"Ah! sweat." Even in the amount of pain he was in, he still played the hero card.

"Okay! Let's get out of here." I nodded over at Izukun to take Mirio as I picked up Eri.

As we jumped through the new hole Izukun formed towards the hall, Mirio screamed out causing us all the stop in place as though time itself had frozen.

I looked back and every muscle in my body stilled as I saw Nighteye's silhouette, spikes impaled into his body.

Izukun jumped into action immediately heading straight for Overhaul.

He fought with everything he had, hyped up on the adrenaline that rushed through his veins.

God I was scared but more so, I was enraged.

Revenge taking over my need to rescue.

"Lemillion, please take Eri and get out of here. I'm going to help Deku," Mirio nodded in response but Eri only gripped tighter when I tried to put her down, "hey, don't worry. Lemillion will look out for you and I'll see you right after, okay?"

Eri hesitated but eventually loosened her grip letting me place her on the ground.

I smiled a her, giving her head one last gentle kiss before shooting off to help Izukun.

Okay, okay. I need a plan of action, going in on pure adrenaline won't work now.

I looked up to see the roof had extended along with the rest of the room.

This is perfect for flight.

If I sneak up from behind I can easily get him first while he is distracted with Deku.

I shut out all the sounds around me, taking a huge breath of air before spreading out my blood wings and flying through the pillars with much difficulty.

I landed quietly behind Overhaul, who was distracted by Izukun bounding around the room, morphing my blood along my arm before sharping it into a makeshift sword

If I cut off his hands he won't be able to use his quirk.

I raised my sword up over my head for momentum.

Now is the time for sharp focus, I know that.

I know I shouldn't have looked away for even a second.

I know that, but her voice was so scared.


Eri, it's not your fault.

Please, why didn't you leave with Mirio.

God, I just wanted you to be safe and happy.

I only looked over to her for a second but that's all he needed I guess because when I looked back at my target the last thing I saw was his hand.

Third person point of view

Deku and Eri watched in horror as Skye's head exploded in a fury of blood. Her body made a sickening thud on the ground where it lay still.

"You see what happens, Eri! People are dying because of you!" Overhaul screamed out towards the trembling girl whose eyes never left Skye's corpse.

No one could react in time as the ceiling broke open to have Ryukyu fall through with her group and one of Overhaul's men under her foot.

"Uravity! I'm leaving Nighteye to you!" Deku took off towards Eri only to notice that she was gone from her original place to now by Skye's corpse, clinging to her.

Deku heart pained greatly at the sight as he ran closer to them.

Seeing Skye's body without her head made it so hard for his brain to wrap around the idea of her not being there anymore.

Deku was unable to grab her as she, along with Skye's body, where shot up by a pillar from the ground, with Overhaul being the reason, as he stood over her as they ascended.

"I won't let you!" Deku screamed in fury as he launched himself into the air after them.

Eri's grip on Skye only increased as Overhaul tried to pull her from her.

Eri turned to the side to noticed a piece of material that she knew as one of her hero's capes.

She grabbed it, pulling it over to Skye before placing it gently over her.

She shook as she looked down at Skye, someone who'd given their life just to save her.

Someone who'd had shown her so much love when she didn't even know what love was.

And she was gone, just like that.

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