Chapter 9- mall madness

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The written exam was over and I could not tell you for the life of me how I did.

My mind was on more important things, the practical exam.

Once Aizawa said we had to face off against the teachers, I swear everyone collectively shat themselves.

Luckily I wasn't paired off to face Aizawa or I'd have gotten my ass handed to me.

I was with Hagakure against Snipe. For a hero whose supposed to not kill, this guy just straight up had guns.

Thanks to Hagakure's stealth ability, she was able to sneak up on him while I acted as the distraction.

We passed with many apologies from Snipe as he'd accidentally elbowed Hagakure's tit. I swear I saw his soul leave his body.

I'd heard how the match against All might went down and I got to say I was surprised. Izukun had told me the details, and I was happy to hear the Bakugo had finally worked with him. Maybe we will one day in the future see those two fighting alongside each other.

Now came the waterworks for those who'd failed the practical. The very idea of being stuck at school while the rest of us were having fun at the forest lodge was killing them.

"Maybe they'll be an unexpected twist!" Izukun tried his best to uplift his fellow classmates as I just hold Mina and Kiri close in despair.

But leave it to Aizawa to completely 180 things.

A logical ruse he says, that little shit, pulling that card again.

We were all able to go to the lodge, although the kiddies who failed would have to do remedial classes while we were there. I'm writing their eulogies as we speak.

A week long boot camp. I am not prepared for that at all. I don't have clothes for a boot camp.

"Let's, like, go shopping together tomorrow! The whole of class 1A!" Hagakure pulled through for me.


Alas the whole class didn't go shopping together. A few of us had arrived in the shopping mall. The rest of class 1A was busy, except one who was just being a salty bitch, I looking at you Bakugo.

Izukun had already muttered his way into a void that no one could safe him from about the many great things about said mall. I swear this boy finds anything slightly related to heroes fascinating.

It had been decided that we'd all spilt up and of course I snatched up my two girlies up real quick.

"Mina, kiri! Let's go!" I said linking my arms with theirs and dragging them off.

"Yay! I love shopping!" Mina excitedly said as Kiri just happily followed along.

We'd gone to a few stores getting the much needed things for the camp but now we were going for shits and giggles.

"No, no. I think this hat with this shirt." Mina hummed in response to me as I held them towards Kiri, showing off the fit.

"You know, me and hats don't really go well together." Kiri tried to explain so I'd left to grab something else.

"You right, you right," I mused coming back before leaning in to gently wrap a bandana around his head causing him to become flustered at the closeness, "this is more you!"

"Oooh yes! Totally!" Mina excitedly chimed in causing me to smile in success.

"Now for you, my love, I'd say a new pair of killer shades are needed." I said pointing dramatically at her.

"I totally agree." Mina said as we walked over to the glasses stand, leaving Kiri smiling softly in thought.

"Now this is epic," I said sliding on the pair of Eraserhead shades, "Kiri, what do you think?"

Kiri was pulled from his thoughts to see the two girls in a Charlie's angels pose, each donning a pair of killer shades.

Kiri couldn't help the laugh that left him as he pulled out his phone snapping a picture.

"I didn't know it was possible to be so manly!" Kiri laughed out.

Laughing with him I plopped a pair of shades over his eyes.

I pulled everyone together and used Kiri's phone to snap selfie of all three of us as we all did our best smolders. Me adding in an extra 'ah ha ha' to sweeten the deal of my fuckboy persona.

I bought the Eraserhead shades knowing full well that it would annoy Aizawa completely at the idea that there was actual merch being made about him.

Kiri had bought a pair of Crimson Riot shades, which was just so cute to see how excited he got when he saw them.

Mina, on the other hand, got a pair of Men In Black looking shades. It suited her well. She is definitely going to use those for something dramatic in the future, I can feel it in my soul. I just hoped I was not on the receiving end.

Our shopping time had been cut short drastically as the police showed up.

A villain had shown up and had nearly killed Izukun. Had him by the throat. The same villain who attacked the USJ.

The next day at school Aizawa had made it clear that the location of the camp was changed and kept a secret.

The ever-looming villains had seemed to be targeting U.A. with no means of stopping.

It had been made painfully clear that this boot camp was a much needed one. If we didn't get stronger soon the villains could easily jump us again.

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