Chapter 16- improvements

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We all stood in the school's gymnasium ready to practice or create our special moves.

I decided that my blood wings were the perfect special move so I just continued to train my air born abilities, which also gave me the perfect opportunity to see the rest of the class as they trained.

Bakugo seemed to be very much into the idea of just letting lose as he continuously destroyed Ecto's clone with new moves time and time again. I ain't gonna lie, it was hot.

Over the course of the next few days everyone had improved greatly on their moves and even their suits.

Toko's move was so badass, I mean not only was it super effective but it also made him look so cool.

The loud ass bang from Bakugo's blast caught my attention as I hovered a bit behind him.

The blast was so accurate, he really just kept on improving.

Having been a little distracted by Bakugo I noticed the rock, from the structure Bakugo had just blasted, falling towards All might a bit too late.

Only after hearing Bakugo's yells did I notice.

I flew towards it only to stop midair as Izukun shot through the air smashing the rock with a swift kick.

Colour me impressed.

"Izukun, you sly dog, going for kicks instead of punches now." I said landing next to him before pulling him into a head lock while ruffling his hair. The poor boy could only chuckle in response.

Denki and Kiri made their way over to us also shocked at Izukun's new move and fit.

I released the blushing boy from my hold getting a better look at the other two in front of me.

"Damn," I let out a whistle while pointing at the two, "new costumes looking fine as hell boys."

Kiri rubbed the back of his head blushing beet red while Denki smugly showed off his fit in many different poses.

Kiri had opened his mouth to speak only to be interrupted by a loud voice coming from the entrance to the gymnasium.

In came class 1B, one of them being way more energetic and over the top then the rest.

I hadn't got to meet Monoma as much as the others had but honestly he was so entertaining. His over-dramatics of everything he did and said never failed to make me laugh.

Vlad had explained about the conditions of the hero qualification exams that were coming up and Monoma let out a huge sigh of relief at the explanation that our classes won't be against each other then only to completely contrast it by hyping himself up.

God he's so annoying, I love it.

I was a bit taken aback by the idea that we'd be facing other classes from completely different schools. Not only does that mean new people, but also new quirks and skills we might not have.

God, do I hope these people aren't just a bunch of little entitled assholes.

Got to say it was all very daunting to think about all the different types of quirks I would have to go up against if I wanted to get closer to be being a Pro hero.


Now back at the dorms, all the girls sat together in the common room.

Yaoyorozu looked so damn beautiful with her hair down I noted as I lay down with my head on Mina's lap while the rest of the girls talked about their new special moves.

I was brought back to reality when I heard Mina say that Uraraka was in love.

"Oooh scandal! I bet my life it's Izukun!" I teased watching her become completely red and stumble on her words.

"I think so too or Iida? She's always hanging out with them!" Mina added in only to have Uraraka float away because of her quirk.

As Uraraka longingly stared out the window I just smiled knowing full well that Izukun was out there training.

Ah, young love.

Those two would be so cute together, I mean it, not only are they both just too cute when they are around each other but they both helped each improve themselves.

"Actually what about you Skye?" My head snapped over to Mina who had gotten up, leaving me to lay on the couch.

"What about me?" I inquired lifting an eyebrow at her.

"You're always hanging out with Kirishima and Bak-"

"No, no, you are not turning this conversation on me just because you aren't getting anything out of Uraraka!" I quickly rebutted wagging my finger at her.

Mina whined from the lack of tea being spilled causing me to laugh at her.

"It's not good to pry so much." Tsu said.

I pointed at Tsu in a silent thank you only for Mina to huff out.

"Now, now my love, there is no need to be jealous. I have plenty of love to give." I teased her.

Mina jumped me tickling my sides. I tired desperately to get her off as I laughed myself out of breath.

"You will tell me one day, Skye!" Mina said letting me go so I could catch my breath.

"There ain't nothing to tell!" I said jumping away from Mina as she tried to tickle me again.

I ran into the elevator and smiled proudly as the doors closed before Mina could catch me.

I laughed to myself as the elevator rose to my floor.

Falling backwards onto my bed, I couldn't stop smiling.

It had been so long since I'd had a nightmare, I was finally able to truly feel safe and happy.

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