Chapter 21- a scared child

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"Honey, I'm home!"

It felt good to be back at Hawks agency.

Definitely super glad that Hawks was doing these internships.

"Honey, he's out again." The teasing voice of one of Hawk's sidekicks caused me to roll my eyes.

"I literally told him this morning that the internship starts today." I huffed out my annoyance at the bird man's forgetfulness.

"You know him, always on the run- well fly," His sidekick waved off my annoyance, "just go fly out there and find him."

This bird bitch really making me catch up to him again.

Now in my hero costume, I flew through the air keeping my peepers on high alert for any familiar red of his wings as he wasn't picking up my calls.

The flight was long and I had gone a lot further from the Hawks agency then I intended.

I was about to try calling him again when I spotted a familiar tuff of green walking below me.

"Izukun!" I landed with my arms wrapped around his shoulder causing the poor boy to nearly jump out of his skin.

"S-skye! You scared me! What are you doing here?" Now off his shoulders walking next to them, wings tucked behind me, as I smiled cheekily at him.

"I was out bird watching when I saw you- oh hi again Mirio!" I turned to the boy next to me who wore a blinding smile.

"Skye, it's so nice to see you again! Those wings are super cool!" Yeah he was definitely the sun.

I turned back to Izukun after hearing a soft thud to see him crouching down talking to a little girl.

I crouched down next to him, gently placing a hand on top of her head only to feel how badly she was trembling. My heart shattered once she looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

Before I could talk, a man walked out from the alleyway wearing what looked like a plague mask.

"My apologies on behalf of my daughter, heroes. She gets carried away with her games sometimes and hurts herself." My eyes went to the bandages that were wrapped around her arms and legs, I felt my blood boil.

Mirio stepped in, trying to defuse the situation and get us to leave.

"Let's get going you two." Mirio's voice was cheerily and carefree but his eyes were set as he stared at the two of us.

Izukun and I slowly started to get up, only to have the little girl grab tightly onto his clothes and my hand.

"Please...don't go..." her voice was so pained and terrified.

I gave her hand a gentle squeeze in return, wordlessly telling her that I wasn't going anywhere.

"Your daughter seems to be frightened by something." I began rubbing circles on the back of her hand with my thumb to try and calm her trembling as Izukun talked to the man.

"It's because I just scolded her." The man's voice had an extra edge to it, warning us to back off.

"What are you doing to this girl?" Izukun questioned his voice hard even after Mirio had tried to stop him.

The man let out a heavy sigh and I felt the little girl slightly flinch so I gave her hand another squeeze.

"It's an embarrassing topic...I don't want to talk about it out in the open...could you follow me this way?" The man turned and slowly made his way down the alleyway he had show up from.

Izukun slowly stood up, carrying the little girl in his arms. I, in turn, never let go of her hand as she squeezed mine tighter.

"Don't worry, I'm here." I lended close to her and whispered so that man wouldn't hear.

"You see, I've been quite worried about Eri matter what I say, all she does is defy me." I felt my anger spike, if he laid a hand on her...

"Raising a child can be quite difficult." Mirio kept up his facade trying his hardest to protect those with him.

"Indeed. Especially when they must be seriously thinking about what kind of person they'll become...what kind of person they can become." I watched as the man slowly began to remove his glove only for Eri to release my hand and jump out of Izukun's arms to run over to the man.

I was about to go after her only for Mirio's hand to stop me.

"Eri! W-wait!" I tried to splutter out as Mirio grabbed my arm tightly holding me back with more force, his other hand outstretched in front of Izukun to stop him too.

"Don't chase them. Did you two not notice? He just showed his killer intent that's how he got her to follow him." I could only stare at Eri's retreating form as Mirio talked.

My whole body shook in anger as we stood in front of Sir Nighteye getting the lay down on who that man was.

"And you were a witness to this?" Nighteye stared me down.

"Yes sir. The girl, Eri, we have to save her!" I knew I had no right to step up to him but my emotions were all over the place.

"You cannot possible save someone with will alone. This world is not that easy." Nighteye seemed dead set on his answer so I didn't even try and retaliate.

"You two are to return to the office for today," he said to Izukun and Mirio before turning back to me, "you are to return to Hawks agency but to speak none of what has happened here today, understood?"

Knowing fully well the weight of the situation, I nodded in defeat before looking at the other two boys giving them a sad look as I flew back to Hawks agency.

In the air I let my tears fall.

Just thinking about what type of pain and fear that Eri must be in right now hurt so much.

Once I had arrived back at Hawks agency I noticed him standing on the roof through my blurred tears.

"Hey birdie! I've been calling you, where've you-" I cut him off as I fell into his chest crying, "woah woah, hey, it's okay. What happened?"

I shook my head, I couldn't tell him. I think he got the hint as his wings wrapped around my form, letting me cry freely as he hummed while drawing circles on my back.

I made a promise long ago that I'd never let anyone go through the pain that I'd been through.

Eri, I will save you from that hell.

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