Chapter 23- rescue

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Here we all stood outside the house in which Eri was imprisoned.

"I'm so nervous! It's so weird seeing how calm the Pros are but I guess they've been through this type of thing a lot more then us." Kiri said as he continuously fidgeted from the stress of the whole situation.

"I know exactly how you feel." I replied, my eyes never leaving the front gate of the house.

"We are letting the police go in first as they have the warrant." Fatgum added in as he lay a comforting hand on each of our shoulders.

I watched as one of the police officers went to ring the bell of the front gate only for it to be broken apart as a huge person smashed through.

I was quick to react as I flew up to save some of the officers who were blasted away from the attack.

I gently placed them down before sprinting off with Izukun and the rest through the front door as Uraraka's group dealt with onslaught.

"Here." We all came to a halt at Sir nighteye's words.

Once the door was open a group of people pooled out but bubble girl and centipede went after them, giving us the opportunity to continue on down our path.

"A dead end!"

The wall in front of us stood in our way as though to mock us.

"I'll check it out!" Mirio easily slipped through the wall for a second, "it's just a wall blocking the way, it's pretty thick."

"Get em boys." I grinned at Kiri and Izukun patting them on their backs.

"You got it!"

"Let's go!"

Those two easily broke through the wall, revealing the rest of the hallway to the rest of us only for the hall to began to morph.

I felt sick looking at the twisting hall in front in me.

"He knows what he's doing, with him altering the path we'll never reach our objective! We will be too late to save the girl and too late for us-!" Tamaki was cut off from his small panic attack by Mirio.

"It won't turnout that way! Don't forget! You are sun-eater!" Mirio face was set in the determination to save, "I can still get through!"

With that Mirio slipped through the twisting walls out of sight.

I didn't even have time to react as the floor disappeared from below me. I landed on the ground quickly looking up to see the hole we fell through seal back up.

"Shit!" I exclaimed looking other at the three new comers.

I guess we'll have to fight our way through.

"Focus that strength on the objective! I can handle them alone." Tamaki's voice was serious, there was no shake at all, it made me really admire him for it.

The three rushed us as we tried to fight Tamaki's stance only to be shut down when he easily contained them in his tentacles and disarmed them, damn well I guess you were right.

Fatgum took charge and began escorting us out much to Kiri dismay.

"Everyone!" I stopped in place turning towards Tamaki, "I leave Mirio to you!! Knowing him he'll definitely push himself too hard, please help him."

"You can count on us, Sun-eater!" I yelled out throwing him a thumbs up before following the rest.

We gotten pretty far but Kiri face was still pained.

"I wonder if Tamaki is okay, I can't help but worry." Kiri's voice dripped with concern.

"Come on Kiri, he's one of the big three, of course he's going to okay! He's strong!" I said playfully shoving him to try and lighten his mood.

"Exactly what Blood Type said!" Fatgum cheered smiling at me causing me to smile back, he is too cute!

Hearing a thud from behind me I turned to see Aizawa being pushed into a hole in the wall by a manipulated pillar of the other wall.

My heart rate spiked at the thought losing him but before I could move Fatgum gently pushed me back before shoving Aizawa to safety.

Once Fatgum disappeared behind the wall I took notice that Kiri was also gone.

I swear if I don't actually die from a heart attack today it'll be a miracle.

The halls around us continued to twist as I released I saw Kiri try to save Aizawa too, then he's with Fatgum. God, Kiri you better not fucking die on me or I'll kill you.

In a instant the room fully opened up. I couldn't comprehend what they were planning when the walls suddenly slammed down again, separating us.

Luckily I wasn't alone, Sir Nighteye's group was with me.

Two people appeared in front of us. A gasp left my throat as I recognized the one who seemed to recognize me right back.

"Woah! It's you! This is such a bitch of a time seeing you here of all places! How've you been?" Twice exclaimed with many hands movements.

His personality was still so sickeningly enthusiastic.

He noticed I wasn't going to respond to him so he continued on.

"I'm sorry about this, Skye! Not! Get 'em Rappa!" Twice yelled out as the huge human with him charged us.

I hardened my blood around my body ready to fight back when Nighteye just swept his feet from under the attacker before punting him off into the wall behind Twice.

I watched in shock as the man began to melt away.

Today is something else alright.

Seeing how taken aback Twice was I took this as the perfect opportunity for revenge as I shot a bit of my blood out towards him, sharpening it mid-air. He barely dodged it as it tore the side of his mask off.

This seemed to frighten him more as he sprinted away, a wall forming behind him blocking us from continuing our attack.

Fuck! If he's here does that mean the rest of the league is?

My internal struggle was cut off as the hall began to twist again but at a chaotic, unmanageable rate.

I watched as Izukun shot into the air and gave a swift kick towards the ceiling revealing the man in question.

The twisting immediately stopped and I knew Aizawa got him.

"Aizawa! Y-your shoulder! Are you okay?" I couldn't help the stutter in my voice as I saw the blood seep from the wound.

"Relax, I'm fine." Aizawa tried to reassure me, I just ignored him as I placed my hand on the wound hardened his blood around the wound, stopping any more blood from leaving. It meant something else I had to concentrate on but it was worth the risk.

"We saw Twice, one of the league members." I explained to the group.

"We saw Toga, so the league is involved." Aizawa added in, his hand now on mine trying to silently tell me he won't let me get taken again.

I nodded at him before squatting down by Lock Rock about to help his wound only to be stopped by him.

"What the hell are you doing waiting around for?" He looked pissed off, "ignore 'em and press on! The police can handle the league! Have you forgot the top priority?!"

I stood back up, fueled by his words.

"We'll save her!" I yelled at back in determination as our group shot off towards Eri.

We are coming, Eri, just hold on a little longer.

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