Chapter 11- training camp

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Finally the day had come. After a long bus ride we'd stopped for a rest to stretch our legs, or that's what we'd all thought.

That all changed as two ladies wearing cat themed outfits appeared before us.


I am a mature person, I will not laugh, I will not- I laughed.

I mean did they even think about their name for a bit, come on.

It seems they were professional heroes as I got off of the whole PowerPoint presentation from Izukun that I never asked for as he excitedly rambled loudly about them.

"The place you'll be staying at is on the base of that mountain." One of the pussy-cats said pointing far off into the distance in front of us, oh no.

The panic set in then as we all scrambled to get back into the bus.

"I'm sorry everyone..." that was the last thing I heard from Aizawa as the whole class was thrown over the cliff edge by the own ground beneath us.

Now full of dirt and irritation, I stared off into the 'forest of magic beasts' seeing exactly why it had that name as a huge monster appeared from the trees.

Fuck me. I guess the training begins.

Grabbing the sharpest rock I could, I stabbed it into my thigh watching the blood begin to pool out. Alright let's fucking go.

By the time we'd finally made it to the camp base it was way late into the afternoon.

I felt like absolute shit.

Tired, covered in a mixture of dirt and my blood and woozy from the blood loss, I plopped onto the ground allowing the world to do what it will to me.

I was content until I glanced over at Izukun as he happily introduced himself to a younger boy, only to be punched in dick. He ain't having kids no more, rip his future plans.

"You're injured," Aizawa said standing over me, "we need to get that bandaged up, come on."

I let out the most pathetic whine as he helped me get to my feet to shuffle after him.

After getting tended to by Aizawa I ate up a storm before heading to the hot spring.

The water was perfect, I could feel every muscle in my body relax as I stunk into the water.

"Hey, you guys ever think that with just one sneeze from Denki and all those boys are done for." I laughed out as the rest of the girls joined in.

A lot of commotion from the other side of the wall caused all the girls to turn their attention towards it.

Thankfully for us Kouta was there to stop Mineta, that piece of grape shit, but once Kouta looked over to our side he seemed to short circuit as he fell over the wall to the boys side. I mean I don't blame him, have you seen these ladies, to die for.

I dunked under the water letting the silence of being under water calm my nerves from today.

My wound was healing nicely, I was grateful, it would suck if I was put out of commission by only the first day.

Our peace was short lived as the next day at the crack of fucking dawn, we all were dragged outside. Most of us looked like death.

Today we were going to improve our quirks.

"I will be pushing you beyond your try not to kick the bucket on me." Ah love the words of encouragement Aizawa.

I spent some of the day facing off against Kiri with Ojiro using the blood I kept from the first day. I was practicing to better improve my precise control over the blood's movements.

While the rest of the day I'd asked Aizawa to ask Vlad if he could help me train, he had a similar quirk to mine so it worked out perfect for me.

Now exhausted from the day, I sat next to Todo as he lit the flame to cook our dinner. His right side was so comforting and warm, I couldn't help but rest my head on his shoulder.

Todo glanced to the side at me with a small smile on his face which I happily returned.

"Skye! Can you help me with the potatoes?!" Iida's chopping hand motioned me over.

Laughing at his ignorance at peeling, I walked over to him helping him out after gently ruffling Todo's hair.

In the background I could hear Bakugo's yelling as Kiri face looked like he wanted to die, poor boy hasn't gotten much sleep thanks to those remedial classes.

All those poor remedial kids never seemed to get a break thanks to Aizawa persistence to drill the lessons into their brains.

I tuned into the conversation between Izukun and Todo at the mention of All might, Izukun seemed to be worried for the Kouta. I mean of course he was, he really was just a big ol' softie who cared for everyone.

It was actually quite ironic watching Todo give advice to Izukun about helping someone overcome their past.

Once dinner was finished we all were hyped up at the mention of a test of courage.

"NO WAY!" Mina's loud cries in anguish were spent out as Aizawa had decided to have one of their remedial classes while the rest were having fun.

I was salty that I couldn't be with my girlies, Kiri or Mina, during the test of courage but I couldn't even get my opinion out to Aizawa as he'd already wrapped the remedial kids in his binding cloth dragging them off.

"At least let me play once!!" Was the last thing I heard from Mina as she was dragged out of sight.

The game was quickly explained to us as I stood near Todo to warm up a bit, now beginning to regret wearing shorts.

"Revelry in the dark." Toko had said for the second time tonight causing me to put him in a playful headlock.

"Relax, this is going to be fun!" I added releasing him before gently patting his back, Toko looked at me with a faint smile.

Of course this'll be fun, I mean it's finally some escape from the endless training and combat.

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