Chapter 22- the meeting

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I stood next to Aizawa in the room full of heroes as I continuously pulled at my uniform just to have Aizawa lightly tap my shoulder trying to calm my nerves.

"Skye! You're here too!?" Izukun, along with Kirishima, Tsyu and Uraraka came over to me in shock.

I couldn't response to them as soon after they spoke, Sir Nighteye called us into the meeting room.

I sat down next to Izukun sending a tired smile his way to which he returned.

The meeting had a lot of information packed into it, mainly around the villain group the eightfold cleansers.

Fatgum's news about a drug that can erase quirks sent a shock wave throughout my body, but that shook wave was nothing compared to the feeling that shot throughout my body when he said the drug contained human blood and cells.

I felt like throwing up.

"The quirk of Chisaki is named 'overhaul.' Its power that can disassemble and reassemble any target. With his quirk, along with those bullets." Nighteye's words felt like a stab into my very soul, Eri's arms and legs, those bandages.


"Chisaki had a daughter, which these three have encountered," Nighteye pointed over to us but we all had our heads down as our bodies trembled.

"What are you talking about?" Kiri's confused voice sounded out.

"Put it simply, we're saying they're probably making the bullets out of her body." Nighteye voiced out.

I should have done more, how the fuck can I call myself a hero when I didn't help her!?

"The ones most frustrated here and now, are these three..." at nighteye's words, we three sprung up from our seats with determination prominent on our faces.

"We'll protect her!!" The three of us yelled out.

The meeting was over and we kids sat together around a table, my head hung long as I sat in between Izukun and Mirio who were doing the same.

The weight of the situation was crushing down on us.

"Are you guys having a wake or something?" Not even Aizawa's voice could get me to perk up.

Aizawa made his way over to us but I couldn't even lift my head to look at him.

"I had originally planned to suspend all of your internships today-" Aizawa was quickly cut off.

"What?! Why now of all times?" Kiri's voice boomed out.

"You heard, there was a possibility that the league is involved, that changes things." Aizawa added before looking over at Izukun.

He crouched down to his level giving him some of his signature tough love before shifting a bit so I could see him.

"Skye, Midoriya," I slowly turned my head towards Aizawa upon hearing my name, "let me tell you both something, those hands of yours that just barely missed rescuing her... I'll bet that she felt something other than despair. So keep looking forward and go on."

"Yes sir!" Izukun was quick to shoot up from his seat and exclaimed.

Aizawa gently hit me on the head causing me to look up at him and I could tell he could see how much this situation was eating away at me as he lay a hand on my shoulder, rubbing it lovingly.

"Uraraka, Asui, Kirishima and Skye you aren't exactly here on your own free wills. What do you want to do?" Aizawa asked only for seats to skid on the ground at how fast they got up.

The three shouted in agreement as the desperately wanted to help save Eri.

I couldn't seem to find my voice as the memories of my own abuse swirled around in my head so I only looked at Aizawa and gave a firm nod.

You won't go through anymore pain, Eri, we will save you.


Back at school we were told not to tell anyone about what was happening.

I kept getting texts from Hawks, they were mostly just random bird pictures either he took or found. I appreciated every one of them.

I couldn't tell him why I had to stop my internship so early but I glad he understood and didn't push me to tell.

The emotions that were bubbling in me were overwhelming, I was so grateful to have a people like Hawks and Aizawa to help me.

I sat at the lunch table with Bakugo, Kirishima and Denki as I just stared down at my food lost in thought.

"Skye? You okay?" Denki voice pulled me from my thoughts as I looked over to his concerned face.

"Hmm, yeah, yeah. Sorry just got a lot on my mind." I said not even having the strength to fake smile at him.

"Oi, dumbass! You haven't touched any of your food, eat now!" Bakugo glared at me from across the table.

"I'm not hungry." I grumbled pushing my food forward, away from me.

"I don't give a shit if you are or aren't!" Bakugo pushed my food back towards me, his eyes staring into mine. "Eat."

I let out a sigh as I slowly stared to eat while Bakugo watched my every move.

Kiri just nervously laughed as he gently rubbed my shoulder knowing exactly what was on my mind.

It was two days later, late at night, when we got together in common room after each getting the message.

The operation starts today.

So here goes nothing.

There is no going back now, not that that thought had ever crossed my mind.

Eri, we will save you.

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