Chapter 2- suit up

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The picture above is how her hero costume looks but with the addition of a utility belt with bags of blood in.

The next school day was so, normal, boring even. I guess it is still a school so what else can you expect.

All might came just in time to save the day as he announced very passionately while bursting through the door, that we were going out and battling in our newly made hero costumes.

Everyone was hyped now as they grabbed there hero cases and ran out to go change and meet at the battle ground.

"Skye your outfit is so super cute!" Mina explanation caught me off guard as I sent her an awkward smile back, man I suck at taking compliments.

"No,no Mina your outfit is so much cuter!" Yes shift the attention back to her, she sent finger guns my way in response.

"I didn't know the costume would be skin tight." A very timid voice called out next to me.

"Uraraka! I loving your suit, the pink suits you so well." She began laughing and waving off my compliment.

Our conversation was interrupted by All might giving the lay down of the trail to come. Lottery chosen teammates, heh I guess that one way for me to get to know the rest of my classmates.

Oh I got B, I guess I'm with the boy whose have covered in ice. Maybe it's his quirk? Why the hell does he look so anger?

Standing next to him I could feel the cold radiating off of him, so cool.

The first team to go made my worry peak as I saw Izukun was going to have to verse he long time friend/bully Bakugo, I finally found out his name but seeing that he was with Uraraka calmed me down a bit as I watched how shy and red he was around her. So cute.

"So your name is Todoroki? Yeah?" We were all in the observation room now and I still stood next to Ice boy.

He only nodded in return. Hmm. The air was so thick with awkward silence.

"Your quirk is ice, I'm assuming." I continued to try instigate a conversation as we watched Bakugo barrel after Izukun.

"Part of it is."

Ah! It speaks. Perfect.

"Oh only part, so you have two quirks? That's pretty damn cool. What's the other one?"

The temperature dropped lower. Shit, did I touch on a touchy subject.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, hey let's change the subject then. Let's talk about our strategy for the battle!"

His brows furrowed as he continued to stare forward.

"There is no strategy needed, I'll end it quickly, I don't need your help." And with that he walked away, leaving me with my awkward, forced smile.

Okay bitch, no need to be such an ass, I was only trying to be friendly.

Looking back to the screen I watched as those two nearly killed each and Izukun's team won.

I never knew the beef Bakugo had with Izukun was this bad, shit. As they were sent off to the infirmary, the battle field had to be changed due to the last one being literally destroyed.

"Just wait outside." Todoroki stated.

Just wait outside. Yes I mocked him in my head, sue me.

I let out a very obvious sign of annoyance so that he'd hear. He just ignored me and went inside, using his quirk to ice the whole building before walking up to where the other team was, as I stood outside with my arms crossed over my chest.

Dammit, that was so amazing.

And with that 'our' team won.

The rest of the teams all fought well but as I looked over at Bakugo he looked so defeated as though he'd finally seen that he isn't actually number one yet.

Once it was home time I had been the first to leave only to stop at the school entrance as I heard Bakugo and Izukun talk, I hid from sight and listened in. What shocked me was what Izukun had said, borrowed power? Can someone actually get given a quirk? Yeah I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping but here I am.

Once Bakugo had stomped away straight past me, not noticing as he had his head down and he kept wiping his eyes. Was he crying? I didn't know his insecurities were that bad.

I was about to go after him to... I don't know what I was going to do but when I heard what All might said made me stop in place, bearer of my power. Of All might's power? No that can't be right, right? Borrowed power, bearer of my power, no way.

I wanted to talk to Izukun about it so badly but All might said Izukun had a responsibility and that his slip up with Bakugo was bad enough, I didn't want to ruin his chances of being his ideal's successor or whatever was happening, I really was confused.

With that I snuck away back home.

Aizawa had already had dinner waiting at the table while he sat with a pile of papers he was marking.

I slumped into my chair in defeat.

"I never even got to test out my skills." I pouted as I began pooling the food into my mouth.

"I saw. That Todoroki kid is quite strong although I didn't expect any less as he is the son of the number 2 hero."

"He is? Wow, I have no idea who that is but it sounds important." Hey don't fight me I'm not as into the hero agenda as Izukun.

"Don't worry about it, the next assessment is more important anyway."

"Ooh! Really? What is it?" Having a teacher as your da- ah carer has it's advantages.

"It's revolves around rescue, which is a very important part of being a hero. It'll help you better understand that your quirk can be good."

He knew me too well, I still wasn't fully comfortable with my quirk yet. I kept worrying that one day what happened back then will happen again to someone I care about.

"You read people too well, it's annoying you know?" I chuckled at him.

"It's a gift and a curse," he smiled at me across the table, "one day you'll appreciate the quirk you have and use it to benefit yourself and others, just like I did."

I smiled back at him knowing how he had struggled with his quirk in the past.

"One day, Aizawa, you watch, I'll be the next Eraserhead." I stated heroically, placing my hand over my hearty dramatically.

All I got in response was a light chuckle with an eye roll.

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