Chapter 37- war

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On the front lines.

Of course I was terrified, I was still a kid going into a battle that was for Pros, but I needed to use my fear as fuel to fight.

"I wanna be...with you guys!!"

I at least had Denki and Toko for some familiarity, while the rest of the Pros stood with us. Having so many heroes gathered together was a sight to see.

"Denks you still have us, we've got your back!" I cheered as I could easily see the fear eating away at him.

We all ran into action as the battle was already taking place before us.

It was daunting to be apart of such a large scale attack but my nerves got washed away with pride as Denki stood strong, electricity surging around his form. My god, he looked so fucking badass.

Everyone was in full force, taking out every target with flier.

"You two! Over here."

I whipped my head to see FatGum motioning Toko and I over. We both jumped into action and followed him and Amajiki through the entrance Cementoss had made.

I watched Amajiki turn into a Centar before my very eyes as I trapped some of the targets in my blood before knocking them out, Suneater really is amazing.

Toko seemed to be done with his part with Dark Shadow as he was now tucked into FatGum tummy, that's so cute.

"Blood Type, hop in, we're off!" I get to join too, oh hell yes.

I plopped in with ease. It was so comfy.

"Don't you think this mission is going a bit too smoothly?" I had to agree with Toko on that one, my pervious nerves had completely disappeared from easily taking out that many targets.

"Apparently Hawks infiltrated the enemy group..."

"Infiltrated the enemy a double agent?" My words shook without my consent.

"Apparently so."

You mean he had to play nice with the enemy this whole time?

Fucking hell, no wonder he always looked half dead!

Why him? Fuck!

"-he might actually be in the raid."

Hawks, please be okay.

God, the amount of mental strain he must be in and never been able talk to anyone about it.

He could have been killed! Whose fucking idea was this?!

The Fataxi was now full of the other kiddies as we made our way away from the front lines.

My mind was screaming at me the whole time that once I was saw those all too familiar blue flames and flash of red feathers, I couldn't stop myself from ripping away from FatGum before spreading my blood wings hurling towards it.

Toko was hot on my tail but I didn't take notice because the scene that became clear before me, was scrapping at my very soul.

Toko used Dark Shadow to cover Hawks as I used all the rage that boiled inside of me to send a swift kick into Dabi's face.

I jumped back onto my feet in front of Hawks and Toko as I hardened my blood around my body.

"How is he?" I hissed out through my teeth as I stared down Dabi who was wiping blood from his nose.

"It doesn't look good..." even Dark Shadow's voice shook in fear.

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