Chapter 33- the future

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It was a few days before winter break and the class was as lively as ever.

"You two were interviewed for a full hour!"

"You can't even see him!!"

I couldn't help but nearly piss myself laughing at the interview of Bakugo and Todo. Denki had actually fallen off his chair, he was laughing so hard. Those two had finally got their hero licenses after all this time.

Our conversation seemed to fit perfectly into the concept of today's lesson as Mt. lady and Midnight took over for Aizawa to teach us about media for heroes.

And I swear today was just testing my limitations of laughter as Todo was up first to do a mock interview.

He easily displayed his power of ice and it was still so amazing to see.

"-it'd be great if you smiled a bit more. A smile from you and the ladies will drop like flies." Mt. Lady cooed out.

"If I smile they'll die?"

"Enough of that already!"

Yip, that was my limit. God, Todo is so oblivious to social interactions. This sweet child.

We all got our chance to say our piece in our own mock interview, which went swimmingly until Bakugo's turn.

I mean none of us were exactly surprised by his stance at all. It got me wondering though, about how he'd be when he's a Pro. He'd obviously grow even more good looking, sigh, so media will definitely flock to him which will result in an absolute catastrophe.

Hmm, actually I wonder if he'll grow out of his anger or learn to manage it a bit better.

That's if we live long enough to become Pros-

Wow, okay now mind, relax. No need to get existential on me all of a sudden.

I tried shaking my head to get those thoughts out as Izukun turn was next.

He was stiff as a fucking board.

That poor boy wants to be the number one hero and yet freaks out when put on the spot. I could definitely see him crying when an interviewer calls him the new symbol of peace in the future, but if I'm being honest here I'd be there crying along with him.

I wonder who from our hero department will be in the new age of top 10 Pro Hero line up.

Since I have stage fright and the thought of being a well known bitch scares the shit out of me maybe I'll go underground like Aizawa or maybe I'll be Hawks' sidekick.

I am more then positive Izukun is going to be number one, sorry not sorry Bakugo, but the rest I don't know.

I wonder if they'll get merch made of them like how the other Pros have. Them in little doll forms sounded so funny, and of course I would buy every single one of them.

"What's up? You seem lost in your thoughts over here."

I turned to the side as Kiri popped out of nowhere with a soft smile on his face.

"Hmm? Oh," I laughed as I lent my head onto his shoulder instinctively, "just thinking about the future."

"Oh, how far ahead of we thinking?"

"Pro hero far."

"That is pretty far," I felt my head move up and down as he laughed a bit, "were you thinking of trying to enter to top ranks, I mean with your stage fright and everything?"

"I was just asking myself that a minute ago," I laughed back lifting my head to face him, "might go underground like Aizawa. He always had such interesting stories of those days."

"I figured as much. You're not allowed disappear on me though, we have to go out- as friends obviously! Like hang out! And stuff, man..." kiri stumbled over his words as I watched his face start to glow.

"Go out, like a date? With the Red Riot, you scandalous boy." I teased winking at him.

"Skye, come on..." Kiri said as he hid his face in his hands.

I just laughed as I slowly took his hands removing them from his face.

"I won't disappear," I smiled at him as he finally met my eyes again, "hey, you know, you should grow out your hair."

Kiri lifted an eyebrow in question as I pushed some of his hair back.

"Cause then you can like tie it all up at the back. I really think that look would suit you so well." I hummed out, imagining it as I spoke.

"You think so?" Kiri looked lost in thought as he stared at me.

"Oh I know so..." my words trailed off as I met his eyes. Oh shit, we are way closer then I thought we were. My hands are still in his hair...Man, he's so beautiful. My heart feels so heavy. Wait is he getting closer? Am I moving forward or is he?? I mean I'm not compl-

"Oi! Shitty hair!" We both jumped back as Bakugo's booming voice shot us awake. Jesus christ, my heart is racing.

"A-ah, y-yes?" Kiri couldn't hide the very obvious blush spreading to his ears and I knew for a fact that I was the same.

"What the hell are you two talking about over here?!" See I'd say he looked/sounded pissed but this was just his norm.

"We-we were just talking about the, ah, future!" Kiri finally seemed to be gaining back his nerve which I couldn't relate to as I just stared off into the distance.


"Yip! Like when we are Pros and stuff!" Kiri kept the conversation flowing but my mind was running else where.

Were we about to kiss? Kiri and I?!

Alright, wait a minute now. Was I even ready for a relationship? The idea scares the shit out of me.

"-yeah and I'm guessing you'd want to go underground, huh?"

Maybe I'm overthinking this situation, or maybe I'm not thinking enough. Shit. I've never been taught the concept of a relationship, jesus, how does that shit even work-?

"Oi! Dumbass! Don't ignore!" Bakugo shook my shoulder, snapping me back to reality.

"Huh? Oh sorry what did you say?" I nervously laughed out as Bakugo scoffed.

"I said you're going to go underground, right?" I could tell he was trying to get a rise out of me as he slowly pronounced each word.

"Yeah probably. Are you going to go underground too?" His eye twitched at my words and I laughed at him, "I'm kidding, future number 2 hero."

I knew what was coming next so of course I took off running from them. I turned my head to see Bakugo blasting his way towards me with a smile on his face, he knew I was only teasing.

I'll sort my feelings out later, right now I want to live in the moment. Which just happened to be being hunted down by gremlin boy himself, F's in the chat boys.

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