Chapter 12- blue eyes

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I was so grateful to be on a team with Yaoyorozu, the gods have truly blessed me this day.

The whole test of courage thing wasn't even that scary. I mean we hadn't even gone that far in but shut up I'm trying to gas myself up.

"I wonder what the hell kind of shit class 1B is doing cause that's a lot of screaming." I teased Yao-Momo but before she could respond to me a heavy fog began pooling in.

"What the hell? This is such a cheap scare tactic." I laughed out only to be silenced as I took notice of the two figures laying on the ground in front of us.

Before my brain could comprehend anything Mandalay's voice rang out in my mind.


How?! They weren't supposed to be able to find this place!

Yaoyorozu didn't hesitate as she strapped a gas mask onto my face then her own before running over to the bodies who I now noticed were Hagakure and Jirou.

She quickly made more gas masks, placing them onto the unconscious girls.

"We need to get them out of this fog now." Yaoyorozu's words had slapped some sense into me as the weight of the situation dawned on me. Yaoyorozu was in full action mode and I needed to be too, for the sake of my friends.

"I'll take them," I said heaving their arms over my shoulders, "you need to get those gas masks to everyone else."

Yaoyorozu nodded, her face set in place as she tried her best to push down the fear bubbling inside her.

"Be careful." Yaoyorozu softly said as she ran to find the others.

Okay, okay, just relax.

I need to keep these two safe, so that means I need a new way back to camp since those two villains are where Mandalay is.

Into the forest then, god, why do I have to go the route that always ends badly in horror movies.

The further I went the lighter the fog had gotten which was great but with my luck I had gone straight near to where part of the forest was set a blaze.

I placed the two girls down for a moment, needing rest from the weight as the fatigue from the days training started to set in, before pulling off the gas mask. I need to come up with a new plan of action.


I just need to get these tw-


Mandalay's words had sent a whole new level of fear to shoot through my body.

I need to get these two out of here but what about Bakugo? Shit!

My mind was running at a million miles an hour trying to figure out my next move but before I could do anything I heard voices in the distance, coming closer.

Grabbing the two, I hid with them behind a bush.

"- sounds like Mr. compress has succeeded! Sure took his time though, huh?! I was about to fall asleep over here!"

Succeeded? In what?

No, no!

Bakugo please tell you you're okay! Fuck!

Just wait for them to leave then get these two to safety then I'll go back and-

"You're breathing way too heavily for someone whose trying to hide."

I hurriedly grabbed the two girls by their shirts and threw them behind me before facing who had just spoken.

The grin he wore was sickening, everything about it screamed danger.

"Wow, Dabi! Ain't that one of the kids we were here to get?" The man behind him excitedly exclaimed.

"Well, how lucky of us." The man, Dabi, said as he continued to stare into my soul.

I couldn't runaway, I needed to protect the girls.

"Why don't you come quietly and make it easier on yourself." Dabi boredly said.

His words had been the tipping point for me as I sent I swift kick to his dick, not wasting a second for him to recover I roundhouse kicked him in the head.

"Shit that looked so painful! Me next!" The other man yelled out as Dabi got to his feet, anger fully displayed on his face.

Blue flames exploded out of his arm towards me.

Barely dodging the onslaught, I felt the side of my arm sting in pain where his flames were able to make contact.

I was relieved to see the girls were unharmed from the blast.

Adrenaline was pumping through my veins as the two villains both rushed me.

Their attacks never seemed to stop and I cursed myself for deciding tonight I wouldn't wear my blood bangles.

"Screw this! Twice, go kill those two back there." Dabi commanded to a very confused looking Twice causing me to lose focus as fear took over for a second.

"N-" my words were cut off by Dabi's hand grabbing my neck and slamming my back into a tree.

"Got ya." Dabi teased out.

"Wow, Dabi, that was so evil! You villain!" Twice's voice rang out but I could only stare into Dabi's eyes.

They were so mesmerizing but, there was something about them, something familiar, I just couldn't figure out what.

"Let's get back to the others." Dabi said removing his hand from my neck only to snake his arm over my shoulders sending searing pain from the contact.

I didn't dare move as he could easily burn me alive or worse, go for the others so I just allowed him to drag me along.

"Oh? You found her! She's so pretty!" A high pitched voice call out as we approached a clearing in the trees showing a psychotic looking girl.

Their conversation was cut short as something fell from the sky landing harshly onto the ground.

Before I could even see who it was, Dabi's flames burst out of his other arm towards it.

Twice along with the girl both attacked who I now noticed was Izukun, Todo and Shoji.

I tried to run out to help them only to be grabbed roughly by Dabi.

"Mister, hurry up and silence this one." Dabi said motioning towards me as another villain approached us dusting off his clothes.

"NO! SKYE!" Izukun howling rang out as the black cloud from the USJ attack appeared behind us.

Before the other villain could touch me a laser hit him across the face causing two small crystal balls to fall out of his mouth.

Dabi's hand snaked around my neck holding me in place as he snatched the one ball before Todo could grab it.

"How sad... Todoroki Shouto." Dabi said as Bakugo was released from the ball he held.

The last thing I saw was Izukun running straight for us, screaming his lungs out, as Dabi pulled both Bakugo and I back into the black void.

Fear, pure unadulterated fear was all I felt as the world went black.

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