Chapter 17- provisional hero license

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I stretched my arms over my head yawning as we had finally arrived at the exam site for our provisional hero licenses.

"Okay, everyone gather around!" Kiri said pumped up, "Plus..."

"ULTRA!" Glancing to the new voice, I saw a
very tall boy grinning from ear to ear.

"It's not good to randomly insert yourself into other peoples huddles, Inasa." A voice scowled from behind him.

"Please accept my humblest apologies!!" Inasa yelled as he slammed his head into the ground with how low his bow was.

I didn't know what to do.

Turns out these kiddies were from Shiketsu High, which apparently is a very elite school.

The man named Inasa had finally raised his head as he began raving about how much he loved our school but I just watched in shock as blood dripped down his face.

They walked off as Aizawa explained who he was but I wasn't listening, I zoned out staring at the other two who were with Inasa. I mean they were all beautiful and in those uniforms, honey my heart nearly gave out.

I was pulled from my drooling by a very enthusiastic voice.

"Eraser?! Is that you?!" The voice called out as Aizawa visually flinched.

A huge smile formed on my face as she openly teased him, I like her already.

I found out that she was the Pro hero Ms. Joke.

"If you married me, we could start a family with unbearably laughter and joy!" Ms. Joke said her smile never leaving her face.

"That doesn't sound very joyful to me." Aizawa bitterly commented.

"I say you'd make a great addition to our family!" I cheerfully said causing Aizawa to glare at me while Ms. Joke cheered.

"Don't encourage her, Skye." I only pouted at Aizawa in return.

Ms. Joke called over her class after sending a wink my way.

One of them was very excited about meeting us as he went down the line shaking everyone's hands before stopping at Bakugo and I.

"And you two were in the center of the Kamino incident, Skye and Bakugo. You two have exceptionally strong spirits." He, Shindou, had a cute face but his eyes were set to kill.

It seemed I wasn't the only one who noticed as Bakugo smacked his hand away, this only caused Kiri to apologize for him.

Now here we were suited up and surrounded by a huge crowd of people, oh the joy I felt.

After a long explanation from a very tired man the whole room broke away to show a huge stadium full of different areas, kind of reminded me of the USJ.

Bakugo and Todo both said bye bitches and fucked off.

I took that as a queue to do the same as I formed my wings and shot up into the air.

From above I got a perfect view of the area and some rest time to strategize.

Looking over at the 'city' I noticed a huge tornado looking ass forming over it. After hearing that 120 examines had been eliminated by one person I was shocked and super curious.

Well no time to dilly dally, I landed on the roof of one of the buildings in the 'city', further from where the tornado had formed.

Crouching down, I covered each ball I had in my blood before flicking my wrists sending them out. I watched as the balls flew down towards the unsuspecting players hitting their targets perfectly.

Well first test wasn't so bad.

I let out a huge sigh of relief as I walked into the room, I had passed the first round.

I glanced around the room only to notice no one from class 1A, oh no, this is so awkward.

I was about to just go sit in the corner when a booming voice called to me.

"You're from U.A, right?!" I noticed now that it was the very enthusiastic Inasa from before, seeing him in his hero costume was something else.

"Oh yeah, I am, names Skye." I laughed in response as he towered over me, looking hella fine.

"I'm Inasa! Ah I love U.A! I watched the sports festival and you were so passionate!" Inasa's big smile relaxed my nerves a bit and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Aw, thanks," I said looking up to him, he looked like he'd give the best hugs, "your suit is so fucking badass by the way."

"Really?! So if yours!" God he was like a hyper puppy, so cute.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Todo sit on one of the seats in the corner.

"Thanks again, my friends here so I'm going to go, but let's talk more later!" I said waving at him as I walked over to Todo and Inasa cheerfully waved back at me.

"We did it!" I sighed out as I plopped down next to Todo.

"I had no doubt that we would." He added smiling slightly at me.

Soon everyone began piling in, I felt pure joy at seeing that the whole class had made it.

The next part of our exam had been set, rescue, this'll be interesting for sure, especially because they are using fake blood.

The loud outburst from the boys drew in my attention. Seems they were attacking Izukun over situation that happened with a girl.

I looked over to where they were pointing to see the Shiketsu girl only to see her waving sweetly at Iukzun. You luckily son of bitch.

The rest of Shiketsu crew began talking with Bakugo and Kiri but I watched as Todo questioned Inasa.

"Welp, m'apologizes but truth is, Endeavor's son, I hate you both." Inasa whole demeanor had changed drastically as he glared down at Todo.

This bitch, to think I thought of you as a new friend. You fuck with my friends and you're on my hit list.

"Don't mind him Todo." I continued to glare at Inasa's back while placing a hand on Todo's shoulder.

Todo never responded seemingly lost in his own head.

I tried to reassure him again only to have a loud voice boom over the speakers and straight after, the room fell away.

Okay, finally bout! Let's fucking go!

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