Chapter 3- a taste of the world of Pros

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The USJ was fucking huge, my eyes shot every which way trying to take in all the different parts that made it up. It was insane. I mean there was a whole ass boat! And city!

I now understood what Aizawa meant last night as the Pro hero No. 13 gave his speech. The ability to kill or the ability to save.

I glanced over at Aizawa to give him a subtle half-assed smile, but he was staring so intently at something.

"Huddle together and don't move!"

Aizawa's shouting caused only confusion as we watched people appear out from what seemed like a black cloud.

"Don't move! These are villains!"

Villains? Here? What the hell is going on?

Panic was what was obviously painted onto each student's face. We have bearly started training to become heroes and now we have to fight for our lives. Shit.

Aizawa had already jumped into action easily taking out the low grade villains. I wouldn't have expected any less from him. I knew how capable he was but did that mean I could easily leave him there? No. I was scared, scared of losing him.

Although Iida interrupted my thoughts as he dragged me to the exit along with all the others, only for us to be cut off by the black cloud themself.

Bakugo and Kirishima wasted no time advancing on the villain but left no damage. Dammit.

The cloud increased in size all around us. All my mind was screaming was the villain going to kill them, so I rushed forward grabbing onto both Bakugo and Kirishima's arms. Sadly I wasn't quick enough to create a barrier of blood with my quirk as the cloud consumed us, only to leave just a quickly as it came, as we found ourselves in a highly damaged building surrounded by villains.

"Okay boys, lets kick some villain ass!" I exclaimed as I hardened my blood around my fists slamming them together.

"Oh hell yes!" Kirishima answered with determination.

Bakugo had already leap out at villains, blasting them in the face before kicking them aside.

It only took a couple of minutes before all the villains were knocked out all around us.

"Fuck yeah!" I rejoiced as Kirishima and I high fived.

"Skye, your quirk is so manly!" Kiri never ceases to make me smile, he kinda reminded me of Izukun, so bright.

"I going to go murder that warp gate motherfucker!" Bakugo hissed through his teeth.

"Okay eager beaver, I'm in!" His scoff indicated that he didn't appreciate the finger guns I shot his way.

"Ooh count me in too!" Kirishima had the right amount of enthusiasm for both he and Bakugo.

The sight we walked in on was bad, well not for bakugo as he'd already flung himself at the 'warp gate motherfucker', as he put it, pinning it to the ground.

But that thing, the numo, as Mr. hands called it just broke a whole chunk of its body out of Todoroki's ice and regenerated it. Fuck no, what the hell is that thing?

Blood bath (bnha x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora