Chapter 10- purple war

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Shoes. School shoes to be exact. That's what I saw upon coming home to Aizawa's apartment.

They weren't mine and they sure as hell weren't Aizawa's.

"Aizawa, did you adopt another child without telling me?" I asked as I entered into the kitchen only to see a tuff of purple hair.


Aizawa didn't...

he didn't dye his hair did he?!

The tuff turned to face me and both of our expressions changed to pure confusion.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" We both yelled out.

There, in the kitchen sat Shinso. So those were his shoes, but why the fuck is he here?

"Ah, Skye, you're home." Aizawa lazily walked past me, ignoring both of our reactions.

"Aizawa, would you care to fill me in on what's happening here?" I asked placing a hand on my hip, not having his aloofness today.

"Shinso is here to train." Aizawa answered like it was obvious.

Shinso was sitting there with his eyes shifting between the two of us, lost.

"Is Mr. Aizawa your dad?" Shinso's question caused a pang in my heart at the idea, if only.

"No, no, he's my, ah, he looks after me," I couldn't read the expression on Aizawa's face so I decided to change the subject fast, "what did you mean by train?"

"He wants to be a hero, so I'm helping him reach his potential." Aizawa answered my question causing my face to light up.

"I'm glad those words before weren't made off of empty promises," I excitedly said patting Shinso's back, "this is a perfect opportunity for me to kick your ass."

"You wish." Shinso cockily said.

Now here we were in the school gymnasium, Shinso was out of breath with me standing over him.

"What's that now, my 5th win in a row?" I laughed down at him.

Aizawa had work to do and left me in charge of training Shinso.

"I wished you'd talk this much during our match." Shinso grumbled as he slowly got to his feet.

"Now what do you take me for? An idiot?" I put my hand up stopping him as he stared to reply. "Don't even think about it."

He raised his hands in defeat with a smug look on his face.

"Fine then," Shinso said getting back into a fighting stance, "let's go again."

I was pretty impressed by his determination as looking at him now, he was exhausted.

With each punch and kick I dodged I could see him getting more frustrated, not with me but with himself.

He would continuously try to get me to talk in anyway he could but to no avail as I kept my lips sealed.

His breathing had become more erratic as he stood a bit away from me.

"Answer me!" He commanded, full frustration now on display.

If he keeps beating himself up like this he'll get no-where fast. I needed slap some sense into him now.

I shot my blood at him pinning him to the wall before hardening it. He continued to struggle with no change.

"Shinso, stop," he ignored my words so I grabbed his chin to force him to look at me, "stop."

He looked so defeated. He really wanted to become a hero. The desperation was clear in his eyes.

"You're not going to win if you keep beating yourself up over everything you do," I said staring at him, "relax, evaluate and watch your opponent's movements."

Releasing him from my blood, I grabbed some water for us.

"You can't only rely on your quirk," I said passing him a bottle of water, "there will be times where your quirk can't help you."

"Easy for you to say." Shinso added in ignoring the bottle.

"No," I said hitting him lightly on the head with the bottle, "you see with my quirk, I need blood. If I don't have some on stand by then I'm royally screwed. I could force blood out of myself but too much and I'm done for. That's why I trained to better my combat skills."

It finally seemed like Shinso was taking in my words and thinking about them.

"She's right," we both whipped our heads around to see Aizawa holding a binding cloth in his arms, "you can't be a Pro with only one trick, trust me I learnt that the hard way."

"The prodigal son returns," I bowed dramatically earning an eye roll from Aizawa, "how was work?"

"Annoying as usual," he tiredly replied, before handing the binding cloth to Shinso, "here."

Both Shinso and I just stared at it with no indication of moving.

Binding cloth? For Shinso?

"Ah hell yes! This is perfect!" I said looking at Shinso excitedly.

"Perfect? What?" He looked so lost, poor thing.

We'd relocated outside as Aizawa began teaching Shinso how to use the binding cloth, which resulted in a great time for me as he looked like a cat stuck in yarn.

"People like you and I need to learn how to deal with things alone otherwise we'll get killed," Aizawa's words held heavy of his past, "you can't help others if you don't have the power to help yourself."

I'd always admired Aizawa. He'd come so far from the young boy he used to be. Knowing what he's gone through had helped me see that I too could keep going to become a stronger version of myself.

As hilarious as this all was, I was really proud of Shinso.

"Do you really think I'll be able to do this? Didn't it take you 5 years to master?" Shinso questioned while playing with the binding cloth that was now around his neck.

"I taught myself from scratch, while you have me to teach you." Aizawa calmly informed.

"And hey, you know what they say practice makes perfect," I said sending Shinso a cheeky wink. "Shinso, sweetie, you'll be a hero in no time."

He was shocked at first by my words but soon a smile formed on his face as a new passionate fire began burning behind his eyes.

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