Chapter 15- dorms

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The day had finally come.

The whole of class 1A stood in front of their new home is awe.

"Man, it's huge!"

Indeed it was and it was quite impressive to see in person.

Aizawa had met us at the entrance but the welcoming speech was nothing but a lecture.

I felt bad as I glanced at Kiri who looked so sad. It ached to see the usually very bubble shark boy this way.

It seemed I wasn't the only one as Bakugo grabbed Denki dragging him away only to have him return all short circuited. This caused an uproar of laughter from the class as Denki continued to 'whey.'

I just watched as Bakugo shoved money to Kiri for the night vision goggles he'd bought.

Yeah, Bakugo really is a big ol' softie.

I slung my arm around Kiri as we walked into the dorms causing him to smile at me.

Once inside everyone was in astonishment at the place.

"It's a freaking mansion!" I laughed as Iida panically yelled as Uraraka fell to the ground in shock.

Aizawa had explained to us the basics of the dorm before telling us each of our room arrangements.

I'd been blessed by the Gods themselves as I found out I was next to Mina's.

"We are definitely going to have sleepovers all the time!" Mina said jumping about excitedly.

"Oh most definitely!" I added in to the excitement.

In a blink of an eye it was nighttime and I was beat. Who knew setting up my new room would be so tiring?

Everyone else was finished and were all sitting in the common room.

"Let's have a room showcasing competition! How about it?!" Mina seemed to still have all the energy from this morning bubbling in her which only made her cuter.

Izukun was the first room we visited, I honestly wasn't surprised in the slittiest at the excessive amount of All might merch. Such a cute little fanboy.

Next was Tokoyami, my little bird boy went straight emo style with his room. It was hella cool, especially since he had a sword, I love swords.

Ayoma's room was in complete contrast to Toko's as it was so fucking bright, my eyes.

After completely ignoring that grape shit, we went to the next floor, entering Ojiro's room, it was nice and simple.

In Iida's room I went straight to his wall of glasses laughing my ass off as I wore a pair. Iida seemed very serious about his glasses wall as he hushed Uraraka and my laughter.

Denki's room fit his personality well, just a mishmash of everything he liked. Although seeing the many hats he had confused me as I'd never seen him in a hat before.

Kouda had bunny in his room, no I wasn't jealous, shut up. I couldn't resist cuddling the little guy though, too cute!

Now onto the next floor, Iida's question peaked my interest.

"Where has Bakugo gone off to?"

"'Sounds fucking stupid so I'm going to bed' he said, honestly I'm fading too." Kiri answered with a yawn.

I clung onto Kiri's arm as I knew exactly what he meant, after all that unpacking I could go for a good ol' hibernation.

Kiri patted my head as he took us to see his room.

Once again it was no shock, manly room for a manly man.

That was when I noticed the shark plushie from the fair sitting on his bed and my heart felt warmed.

"Manly indeed." I said winking up to Kiri causing a slight blush to form on his face.

Next up was Shoji's room, a minimalist for sure.

Sero's room was so cool, I loved everything about, decorating on point my man.

Then came Todo who completely redid the room. A whole new floor and everything, colour me impressed.

"Todo I love it!" I said ruffling his hair only to have him give me a sleepy look, poor honey was all tuckered out.

In Satou's room we got cake, I'm not biased or anything but give me cake and you've won in my books.

Now it was time for the girls rooms.

Jirou was first and I loved it. She had so many instruments!

Hagakure had the cutesy room down to the tee, I was sure as hell jealous of all the stuffed toys.

Next up was my room, rip.

My room wasn't all that exciting. I had kept the theme of blue throughout my room, as it was my favorite color.

"Wow! Skye you have swords too!" Izukun excitedly said picking them up, I just laughed at his cute face.

I had a few plushies on my bed, including my Hawks one. There was nothing too different about my room from the other's except for the fairy lights that hung from my roof.

"I love it, Skye." Todo said with a soft smile, I lightly punched him in the shoulder with a smile in response.

Mina's and Uraraka's room were super cute.

Since Tsu was feeling well the last room to see was Yaoyorozu.

I was shocked honey.

Her bed though was something I wish I had, it looked so comfy and fancy.

The viewing had come to an end and we all sat in the common room as the votes were being counted.

It was late now and I could feel sleep slowly pulling me down as I rested my head on Todo's left shoulder.

The winner had been announced and of course it was Satou, I mean cake would always come first.

Removing my head from Todo I gave him a small wave as I dragged my feet off to my new room, Todo gave a little wave in return.

Falling face first onto my bed I let out a content sigh before easily drifting off to sleep.

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