Chapter 6- the big bird himself

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The days off after the sports festival were just spent catching up on sleep as well as looking after Aizawa, much to his protests.

Once he was finally de-mummified, I took notice of the scar right below his eye. Somehow though, the scar seemed to suit him.

Once back in class, the conversations flew about.

"I got so many people shouting my name on the way to school!"

"Yeah me too!"

"Mina I've been shouting your name long since they have, why wouldn't you acknowledge me?" I played hurt as I clutched my hand over my heart dramatically.

"For our love is forbidden! No, don't cry, it's just the way things have to be." Mina fake rubbed tears from my eyes.

Aizawa entered the classroom and everyone seemed to have teleported into their seats.

Looks like we'll be choosing hero names, my dumbass hadn't even thought of one yet.

With the nominations on the board I was quite shocked to see I had gotten 1,000. Didn't know that many hero's would have an interest in me.

I didn't have much time to think it over as Midnight had joined the class to help us pick out our hero names.

Most of the names were well thought out. Well except Bakugo, Lord Explodo-murder, I couldn't not laugh, especially when Midnight turned it down.

I guess it was my turn, here comes that tightness of the chest. I don't care what anyone says doing anything in front of your class is hell on earth.

"Oooh Blood Type, I like it! Very to the point and easy to say." Midnight words helped me relax a bit at the thought of not having to stand in front again.

Thank goodness that's over with, now onto more important things, whom that fuck I am doing the work-study with?

There were so many names on the list, but my brain kept saying ya have to read it from top to bottom.

Not knowing much about any heroes I thought find the one with the coolest name and go! Which is in complete contrast to Izukun as his muttering intensified with every second about each aspect of everything revolving the pro world.

Hmm, let's see; Manual? Okay that's a bit disappointing, Cardog hero? Okay the fuck? Oh Ms. Joke? Interesting, a maybe on that one.

And then I saw it.

Now if you have to ask me why it stood out, all I can tell you is, bird.

Hawks agency.

Bird. Bird. Bird. Bird. AH! Bird indeed! Thanks to a quick google search I saw Hawks. Turns out he's actually quite young, with such fiery wings that had me gawking.

What I would do for a pair of wings! The idea of soaring through skies at your own free will! Euphoria, truly.

Oh I am definitely going to Hawks agency, no cap.

I spent the remaining days improving my suit and honing in on a new skill that I couldn't believe I'd never thought about until now.


Today was the day. The whole class was gathered outside the train station ready to leave.

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