Chapter 29- the top

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"I mean we technically have adopted her."

"No, Skye. U.A. is looking after her."

"So what you're saying is we adopted her and she is now my sister?"

Mirio and Nejire laughed loudly at Aizawa and my banter while Tamaki's laugh was so quite. Eri just looked up at me happily as Nejire put her hair up in pigtails.

It had been announced that Eri was to live in one of the empty teachers dorms due to the dangers of her quirk going off again. She wasn't allowed to stay in my room which I think is just a load of bullshit but okay.

And with them leaving I was off on a train trip to the showing of the billboard charts for the top heroes.

Don't ask, Hawks was very persistent on me going to cheer him on and luckily Aizawa actually agreed to me going.

Hawks had booked me a front row seat. I sat there awkwardly as I didn't have anyone to talk to, thanks bird bitch.

The top ten were being announced as they stood up on the stage.

Hawks sent a little peace sign my way as the first few were called out, to which I stuck my tongue out in response. He played hurt while I turned my attention to the hero line up.

I swear to you I was drooling when they announced number five. My gods was she absolutely gorgeous and those thighs, Jesus Christ Miruko.

My brain shut out the rest of the talking as I stared at her until I heard his name. Hawks. The bitch was standing there looking annoyed as hell, yip, little guy really doesn't actually like crowds.

I sent him a little thumbs up once his eyes landed back on me and he relaxed a bit.

Then came the individual words from each hero on the chart and I watched as Hawks looked more and more bored out of his mind, and honestly I felt the same.

"Who cares about any of that?" Hawks immediately blurted out causing the whole audience to go silent.

This bird, well at least I'm not bored anymore.

Hawks snatched the mic from the poor lady's hands before flapping his way above everyone else.

"Let's see... if we are going to go by approval ratings, Best Jeanist would be first due to his extra boost of support during recovery. I would be second, Edgeshot would be third, Endeavor would be fourth and so on," damn did Endeavor looked pissed off as Hawks continued on with no care, "that's all from me. So next in line, with lower approval ratings than me, the number one."

My gods, Endeavor is most definitely going to strangle him after this. This cheeky little bird, but he's not normally this bitchy. Is he playing it up for some reason? Or for someone? That phone call from before still sat heavy in my mind. Why did he give that look when he saw who was calling?

Endeavor snatched the mic from Hawks' hands as Hawks just smiled at him.

"There is not much to say. Just watch me." Hawks was the only one who clapped at Endeavor's words, I mean of course he did, Endeavor is his ideal.

And now his ideal was practically strangling him.

There was no way is was going to do my awkward 'knock knock' after seeing Endeavor basically losing hair as he talked- Ah sorry angrily yelled at Hawks who just looked super stoked to be near his ideal.

Man this dumbass is really going to get himself killed one da-

"Who the hell are you?" I didn't even noticed Endeavor had turned toward the door until he spoke in a very authoritative tone.

"Oh birdie! Endeavor, this is my inter, Skye." Hawks luckily saved my bacon.

"Ah, it's nice to meet you." This is so awkward why'd Hawks invite me here.


"So Endeavor, do you have a favorite food? My birdie won't mind eating anywhere, but I do know a great place that serves some amaaaaazing Mizutaki." Hawks cheerfully talked as his feathers shot out everywhere doing everything.

Why was I still here you ask? Honey, I don't know.

I'm even in my hero suit now as Hawks said that we were just going on a short patrol together. Like he forgot that I'm not actually his inter anymore.

It was hard 'hanging out' with Endeavor. All I could think about is all the hell Todoroki went through because of him but making a scene would only cause trouble for Hawks.

A crowd formed around us as more people recognized the two Pros. Yay, I love crowds so much.

I at least got the joy of watching Endeavor fail miserably at fan interactions.

Hawks didn't let it go, laughing at him as we now sat in a private room on one of the highest floors of the restaurant.

"Well, of course he'd tell you that. That's very out of character for you," Hawks added before reaching for the rest of the food, "ah, if you're not gonna eat that could I have it?"

"'re a greedy one, aren't you?" Endeavor looked so displeased to be here.

I nudged Hawks' knee under the table to indicate that I wanted some too, to which he smiled handing me two as he continued to talk with Endeavor.

"Cut the crap already, would you? I didn't come all the way down to Kyushu for this senseless babble and why is the kid here too?" Endeavor really is pissy today.

"She's my inter and soon to be sidekick so she needs to know all the details," I glanced at him confused but he just ignored me, "let's talk business."

"The 'rumors' you mean? The modified humans, 'numos'?" Endeavor seemed interested now and so was I.

As Hawks talked about it, my attention was peaking. So those things are still around, that is trouble.

"-this means you have some sort of proof, I presume?"

"Nope, not at all, they're hundred percent rumors."

I had to cover my mouth to contain my laughter at how quick Endeavor was to burst with anger at Hawks' cheeky attitude he had today.

"Hold on a minute! Just listen to me, alright? Truth is, the nomu sightings haven't just been here. I bet you didn't know that, right?" Endeavor stopped at the exit now more interested. "They've been popping up all over the country. After the U.A., Hosu and Kamino incidents, everyone knows about them. The more fear there is in the hearts of the people the more bad ideologies grow."

Hawks' wing gently lay over my head when he mentioned those incidents as a small comfort from the horrors that they were.

"What the hell are you trying to accomplish here?! Tell me your endgame!" Pissy boy asked.

"I want you to be the number one hero the people can rely on and I won't do much of anything." Hawks said giving a lazy thumbs up.

"What the hell kind of stance is that?!" This man's blood pressure must be insane.

"I just want to take it easy. I want the world to be a place where heroes have more free time than they know what to do with." I couldn't help but agree with his words. After seeing Hawks constantly looking drained of life I really did wish he could rest.

It would seem that the universe was against that idea as Hawks grabbed the waitress and I shielding us from the glass that shattered due to the monster smashing through it.

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