Chapter 8- a time to talk

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There was only a week left until the term ended and the class was going ape shit. Well mostly those who knew they couldn't study for the life of themselves.

I came 8th out of the class so I wasn't as stressed but I still felt the ever-looming weight of the dreaded exams. Man I really needed to study more but maths was killing me.

Standing near Kiri I couldn't help the sigh that escaped my lips.

"You too huh?" He said leaning on my shoulder as he listened in on the convo happening with Momo, "Man talk about a gap in personal virtue."

"I'm plenty virtuous, too, fuckmunch! Why don't I tutor you till you're a puddle of blood." Bakugo yelled out.

"Ohh! I'll take you up on that!" Kiri answered his rage.

"No fair! Me too, please!" I quickly put in my two cents.

"I'll tutor you both till you're dead!" Love the enthusiasm.

Kiri had been the one to suggest the nice dinner we were studying at.

It was weird at first, seeing the two in casual clothes. They cleaned up nice.

"Okay so for me, maths is a bitch and a half." I explained from my seat next to Kiri while Bakugo sat across from us.

"Same here I just can't seem to wrap my head around some parts." Kiri sighed in defeat.

And so triggered the study sesh, mostly involving a lot yelling from Bakugo's side. I ain't gonna lie though I actually started to understand the concepts a bit better.

It was later in the day now. The sun was slowing disappearing behind the horizon.

"I am beat! I don't think I can study anymore! You'll have to gone on without me, tell my children I love them." I clutched my heart before dropping my head onto the table.

"Yeah I'm with Skye on this, not the whole dying part," Kiri snickered at my performance, "let's end the studying for today."

Kiri's words revived me from my tomb.

"Thank the gods, now let's go do something!" Shimming out of the booth, I grabbed both of their hands pulling them out of the dinner.

"What the hell are you doing dumbass?!"

"I saw a little fair on the way here, so we're going!"

Bakugo clicked his tongue in response while Kiri just smiled brightly giving my hand a squeeze.

The fair was filled with many booths of food and games, it even had a little Ferris wheel glowing in the background.

Upon noticing a booth for ball toss, a wicked grin spread across my face.

"I hope you hoes are ready to get your asses handed to you!" I said motioning to the booth.

"Like hell! I'll easily beat you!" Bakugo yelled once again.

"I don't know Skye, back in my day I was the ball toss champion." Kiri said flipping his hair over his shoulder dramatically.

And thus kickstarted the mini competition between us three as we competed through every game booth we could find at the fair.

At the end I'd come second while Bakugo held his head high as he'd come first. Although I felt like I'd won as I held all the stuffed animals that the boys had given me after their wins.

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