Chapter 20- big beautiful bitches

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Izukun's house arrest was finally over and he made it known as he profusely apologized to everyone in the class.

He looked about ready to take on the world with the amount of energy he had.

But as we all sat down listening to Aizawa announce that special guests were arriving, I started to feel that same amount of energy Izukun had course through me.

"These three third-years rank among the top of all U.A. students," the entrance to the classroom swung open as the guests walked in, "they are know as the big three."

Okay right off the bat, they are all beautiful. This is so unfair, every new person I've met so far is a heart stopper.

"Alright, let's do some brief introductions, you first Amajiki." Aizawa pointed to the last boy to enter, his ears! No man, too cute.

Amajiki sent out a hard stare to the class.

Oh no, I could see he was shaking. Must have stage fright, I'm with you on that hun.

As I thought Amajiki quickly mumbled out something about potatoes? Before turning to the wall.

"I wanna go home...!" Oh honey I feel you.

The very cute girl from the big three stepped up and I swear as she spoke, life just felt lighter.

Turns out her name was Nejire and she was super bubbly.

She went around the class asking everyone questions at random not even waiting for their response before going onto the next.

"I see you're all lacking any sort of rationality." Leave it to Aizawa to hone down the crazy.

"The journey ahead-!" The last of the three had finally stepped up only to get utter silence in return.

"That's where you say: 'will be full of difficulties!' All right you all utterly fail at getting the point of the conversation." His energy reminded me of a certain hyper puppy I had met, Inasa. Imagine if those two met, I'm pretty sure the sun wouldn't even be able to compete.

"They're kinda weird."

"Their personalities certainly don't evoke top three."

Geez guys, a bit harsh you barely know them.

"I see...well, it's seems my intro fell a bit flat. How would you like to team up and fight against me!" You go Mirio!

Now here we were all standing in the gymnasium in our sports clothes about to fight against a member of the top three.

Amajiki seemed to have found a new wall to hang his head on as Nejiro played with Mina's horns with no worry in the world.

Taking the hint we all ready our attacks as Mirio stood in front of us, his clothes sliding through and off his body.

The screams from Jirou only caused me to laugh as Mirio casually started putting his pants back on like this wasn't the first time this had happened.

Izukun went in for a kick only for his foot to go right through Mirio's head.

Huh, clothes slipped through and now a foot. Is his quirk something that allows his body to go through things.

I was shocked from my thoughts as Mirio had disappeared from in front of us only to appear again behind the whole group swiftly taking out the long-range attackers.

Now back in front of the few of us that were left, the shocked exclamations were made.

Mirio ran at us but only to start submerging into the ground, so it is something to do with the permeability of his body.

Going under is probably what he did last time so therefore...

I spun around on my heel to notice Mirio going for Izukun, who tried to kick him again only to be punched in the gut.

I took this as an opportunity to strike.

I sent a punch out for Mirio's head watching as it went straight through just as I'd thought.

Mirio's fist went for my stomach so I placed both my hands on the spot he'd hit to soften the blow while also sending out a kick to his stomach. I felt that it made contact for a bit before going straight through as I always felt to blow of his punch to my gut.

I fell back onto my ass in defeat as the rest of the class was taken down.

Everyone was back up standing facing the big three as Mirio explained his quirk, well I was close.

Hmm, I wonder what the other two's quirks are?

Mirio's cheerily attitude about his climb from the bottom to where he was today was really inspirational.

Everyone seemed to also be uplifted from Mirio's speech as the conversation continued at the dorms.

"It's sort of romantic, the climb from the bottom." Leave it to Mina always find a way to bring up love in a conversation.

"BRING YOUR TRASH TO ME!!" Bakugo's belting came ringing through our conversation causing me to watch as everyone brought him bucket loads of trash that had obviously been storing for this moment.

The face he had was priceless.

"Little gremlin boy is back at it again." I soft said.

"I'm not a gremlin! Take it back! You're the gremlin!" Bakugo yelled shaking the trash bags in his hands at me to which I only laughed in return before heading to my room.

Bakugo tried and failed to get me to and I quote 'blast you into the next life', creative.

Falling onto my bed, I let my thoughts wonder about the internship.

Hawks said I could arrive anytime I wanted so I guess might as well go as soon as possible.

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