Ease Of Winds

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Steven POV

Things have been pretty stressful lately, and I think Y/n's been beating himself up over that incident back when we met Bismuth. I promised him that we would go on a date when we got the chance, so I decided to plan one out. The only issue is I don't really know how to plan a date, or what to do, so I decided to ask my dad since he and mom were bound to have gone on a date at one point.

"Hi dad!" I said, running up to him. "I have a really important question for you." I said. "Hm? What's up Steven!" Greg asked. "You and mom used to go on dates together, right?" I asked. "Well, yeah...what brings this on?" Greg said, a little surprised by the question. "Well I...um...I wanted to have a date with Y/n, but I don't really know how to plan one." I said, blushing. "Oh! Well, a date should be something that you both enjoy. Think of some things you and him enjoy doing together." Greg said, smiling. "Things we enjoy doing together? Hmm...alright, I think I know what to do. Thanks dad!" I said, hugging him. 

"Anytime, Steven. Have fun!" Greg said, hugging me back. One thing Y/n and I always enjoy doing is sitting down together and watching the sunrise and sunset. He's so happy when we're together, almost like he's never felt happiness before. He's told me everything about his past and it's just terrible what he went through. Regardless, I found a secluded area on the beach next to the waves. "This spot is perfect." I said to myself as I ran back to the house to get all of the things I needed. I decided to make some bagel sandwiches, but I needed something else to bring. Pearl sent Amethyst on a mission earlier and I guess she sent Y/n with her to make sure she actually gets something done. Speaking of Pearl, I just noticed that she was walking out of the temple door. 

"Hey Pearl! Could you help me with something?" I asked. "Oh, hello Steven. What is it?" Pearl asked me. "Well, I'm planning a date for Y/n and I, and I need some stuff to bring. Do you know how to bake?" I asked. "Like baking food? I'm not sure...food doesn't sit well with me." Pearl replied. "Darn it, alright thanks anyway." I said. Maybe Y/n wouldn't mind if it's just a little snack, I'm sure he'll be fine with it. I grabbed the sandwiches and something to drink and packed it in my backpack, along with a blanket and some flowers. I walked over to the spot I found and laid down the blanket, scattering little flowers all over the ground. "He's gonna love this so much!" I said to myself. Once I got everything ready, I decided I can just buy something for him, preferably something as sweet as he is. 

"Hmm...as sweet as he is." I thought to myself, giggling as I came up with the perfect nickname. I walked over to the Big Donut which was thankfully still open, and went to go buy some donuts. "Hey there Steven! What can I get ya?" Sadie said. "Sadie, do you know what kinds of donuts Y/n really likes?" I asked her. "Y/n? Huh...I think he normally gets the cookie dough donuts, though I've seen him buy others before." She replied. "Alright then, I'll take a dozen cookie dough donuts!" I said. "Someone's in such a good mood, did something fun happen?" Sadie asked. "Oh, I'm planning a date for Y/n and I, so I wanna make sure everything is perfect!" I said, star-eyed. "Oh yeah, I forgot you 2 were together. Well, have fun with your date!" Sadie smiled, handing me the donuts. 

"I will!" I yelled, waving at her from out the door. I headed back to the temple to prepare everything. Since I was there already, I decided to just wait until Y/n gets back. About 15 minutes later, the warp pad opened and out came Y/n and Amethyst. "Ugh, I could have just done that all by myself." Amethyst groaned. "Yeah, I know. But Pearl told me to make sure you actually would, so don't get mad at me." Y/n sighed. I ran over to the 2 of them and hugged Y/n. "Hey Y/n! I missed you so much!" I said, putting my head on his shoulder. "Aw, I missed you too, Steven." Y/n said, hugging me back. "Remember that date I promised you a bit ago?" I asked. "Yeah?" Y/n said. 

"Well I think now is the perfect time for it. Come with me!" I said, excitedly. Y/n's face lit up as I grabbed his hand, walking over to the spot I picked out. We got there and sat on the blanket, while I took out a sandwich and a drink for the both of us. "Woah, you put all this together?" Y/n asked me, eating his sandwich. "Yep! I wanted to make sure our date would be perfect." I said. We talked for a little bit about things we liked and stuff, and after a while, Y/n put his head on mine. "Thanks a lot for this, Steven. I've always wanted to go on a date with you, so this helps." Y/n said, smiling. "Yeah, no problem sweetie." I replied, grinning right back at him. Y/n blushed at my little nickname for him, but leaned deeper into my touch.

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