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Steven POV

Last night the cool kids invited Lars, Sadie, Y/n, and I over to a potluck at Buck's house. We helped Lars make a really tasty cake to bring to the party, but he never showed up. The next morning I went to check the mailbox for mail, but nothing arrived. I ran into Sour Cream along the way who was handing out fliers for Onion, who was missing. I found Sadie's mom and talked to her about some missing mail and stuff, when she mentioned that Sadie never came home last night. But I saw her walk home after the party...? This is starting to become serious, so I set out to find the missing people.

"Y/n, there are a lot of people missing out of nowhere. Sadie's even gone missing, her mom said she never came home last night, but we saw her walk back!" I said, running up to Y/n. "Missing? That can't be good...need an extra pair of hands to help look?" He asked. I nodded and we went to try and find everyone. We searched the boardwalk and even all around Beach City, but there was nobody to be seen. "Jamie, Onion, Lars, Sadie!" I yelled, trying to get a response. But the results were still the same, and there was nobody to be heard. "I just don't understand how or why they all disappeared suddenly." Y/n said, scratching his head.

"I don't know, I just really hope they're okay." I sighed, eating a bag of chaaaaps. "Are you 'my dad'?" Someone asked. We looked over to see a tiny blue gem. "Ah, a gem!" We screamed. "Are any of you 'my dad'? I need to find 'my dad'." The gem asked. "N-no we're n-not." Y/n replied, scared. The gem then just groaned and started to fly away. "H-hey! Wait, don't leave us with another enigma!" I shouted, grabbing Y/n's hand and running after the gem. We chased it for a bit before turning a corner, only to find it had disappeared. I decided that we should tell the others about this gem since they could be dangerous.

"Her gem was under her eye. My right, and her left. She had wings...yeah." I said, explaining the gem to everyone. Connie, Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet all started drawing pictures based on the descriptions we gave. They then held up their pictures which didn't quite seem to match the gem, but it was better than nothing. "I think Connie's the closest." I said, pointing to hers. "Really? Thanks!" She replied. "This is just a waste of time. We should be preparing for a fight, because whoever THIS is, they were clearly sent from Homeworld." Pearl stated. "I don't think she is though, she said she was looking for her dad." Y/n said. "What?" Everyone shouted.

"" Pearl asked. "Yeah, and there's a bunch of other people missing too. Maybe her dad is missing as well." I said. "But gems don't even have dads!" Amethyst added. "But Steven and Y/n are gems, and they have a dad." Connie said. "Let's keep it to Steven being the only one with a dad, I really don't wanna be lumped in with that guy." Y/n sighed. "R-right, sorry." Connie replied. We decided it would be best to split into teams, so Garnet, Pearl with Amethyst, and me with Y/n and Connie. We set out all across Beach City once again, but this time looking more thoroughly.

"Hey Connie, I'm really sorry about flipping out kinda earlier. I didn't mean anything by it." Y/n apologized, looking down. "No, it's fine! I totally understand it." Connie replied. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I promise." Y/n said, not too sincerely. He's been having a lot of mood swings ever since underwent that corruption state, and I can't blame him. Something like that changes a person for the worse, but he knows I'm there for him when he needs me. As we were walking, I thought about the possibility of there being another gem like me and Y/n out there.

"Connie, do you really think it's possible that another gem like us exists?" I asked. "You know more about gem stuff than I do...but you 2 exist, so it can't be impossible." She replied. "She didn't exactly look half human though, she was blue and had wings. The only other person I've seen like that is Lapis, and she's a gem." Y/n said. We then started discussing some random theories that were more or less a bit ridiculous about stuff out of movies. Soon after, we arrived at the forest where we continued our search. "Man, I feel like I was just here with Onion and his friends. Now everyone's gone missing and this new gem is missing her dad! I know what it's like to have your dad taken away, so she must be scared." I sighed.

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