Breath Of Life

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"Can we talk for a bit?" My dad asked. I looked at him for a moment, almost with disappointment. "The hell makes you think I want to?" I asked. 

He sighed for a bit. "Look, I'm not going to hurt you or anything, I promise you." He replied, looking sincere for the first time in his life. "And I should believe you, why?" I asked, not buying it. 

"I just want to make things right... for everything I've done..." He said. His expression changed to sorrow, and my face grew confused. I can't think of one damn moment in my life where he's shown an ounce of remorse. 

"And how would you do that?" I asked. That's when he took a really deep breath.

"I want you... to kill me." He mumbled. My eyes widened at that word, it hurt a bit to hear that. 

"Kill you?! That's- That's crazy!" I exclaimed. 

"But I deserve it... Don't I?" He spoke. I couldn't disagree with him, but as much as I may hate his guts, there's no chance I'm killing him. 

"Please.. I know you understand why. It's my punishment to serve, and it's yours to deliver." He said. "I can't do that.. you don't understand..." I replied, looking down. 

"I heard from some strange creature in the town, you went through a lot back there. But that's all the more reason why I know you CAN do it." My dad said. Damn it.. he's right... I looked at my hand, the small little mark sitting on its palm.

"It'll be over quickly." I thought to myself. Small sparks ignited around my hand, I didn't want to go overboard and make a huge scene. 

I looked at him, taking a deep breath and slowly walking forwards. Each small step I took just felt like another moment of my life just passing by through my eyes, reliving the same life twice. 

When I finally reached him, I hesitated for a moment, questioning my decision. 

"I... don't even know what to say-" I said but was cut off by him walking into my hand, putting it through his chest. 

"You don't have to say anything." He said, looking me in the eyes as he bled. With his right hand, he put it on my head, ruffling it a bit as he smiled at me.

"I'm so proud of you..." He said, grinning. His pale face grew lighter as he just dropped onto the ground as I pulled my hand out of his chest. I was just... speechless. 

"Why- why would you- is that what you wanted?!" I yelled, but not loud enough for anyone to hear. I just dropped to my knees, my face just flowing with tears. 

"I-I HATED YOU, EVEN DESPISED YOU!" I shouted, "And yet.. I feel horrible. Like I made the wrong choice. What the hell is wrong with me..."

I needed a moment, just a bit to get this out of my system. When I finally composed myself, I looked down at his lifeless body. I just got to work, moving his body to a small gravesite that I dug in the forest. The gravesite wasn't too far from Osiris, at least I knew he had some company, albeit not someone I'm personally fond of. 

When I got him inside, I filled the grave with dirt, getting my very last look at him. And soon enough, I filled it completely.

"Rest in peace, dad..." I mumbled, picking a single flower out of the soil and placing it on top. I'm the one that killed him, maybe even the one that drove him to it. Every time I'm done with one thing, I just get driven into another corner. 

I walked home in silence, quietly entering through the door. Thankfully Steven wasn't awake yet, so I grabbed a pen and paper and started writing something. I finished and set it down on the table, then walked to the closet. 

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